Bohol Tribune

Medical Insider – Dr. Ria P. Maslog 



We are celebrating the World Immunization
Week April 24, 2023 to April 30, 2023. 

It is for this reason that I would like to
discuss again the topic on vaccines and their

I am a general pediatrician and I am always
attending lectures and updates about 
vaccinations that is why i highly encourage
the parents of my clients to follow the 
recommended schedules of vaccinations.

The National Immunization Program aims to
reduce the morbidity and mortality among 
children against the most common vaccine
preventable diseases like tuberculosis,

poliomyelitis, diptheria, pertussis, tetanus
and measles.

A fully immunized child has received the
following vaccines:

  1. BCG
  1. Rotavirus Vaccine
  1. Diptheria


  1. Haemophilus influenza type b
  1. Pneumococcal 13 vaccine
  1. Measles vaccine
  1. Hepatitis B vaccine

of hepatitis b vaccine then succeeding 3
doses will be given at the right time

Other vaccines that are of importance

  1. Chickenpox vaccine that is given at 2
    doses after the first birthday and at 3 months
    after the first dose or at 4-6 years of age
  2. Hepatitis A
  1. Pneumo 23
  2. Meningococcal vaccine
  3. Typhoid vaccine
  4. Japanese encephalitis vaccine
  5. Flu vaccine that is given yearly

The parents are always reminded by their
pediatricians to bring their children for their
scheduled vaccinations and for the booster
doses of the vaccines. Yes, it is true that
most of the missed vaccine schedules are
due to financial reasons. But the benefit of

protection outweighs the cost of the

In my practice for the past 25 years as a
general pediatrician and advocate 
for vaccinations, i have seen that children
who are fully vaccinated seldom come to the
clinic being sick.

So, part of loving our children is protecting
them by giving them vaccines against

Love our children them! Protect them!
Immunize them!

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