We are the sheepfold of Christ
By Fr. Roy Cimagala
Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise (CITE)
Talamban, Cebu City
Email: roycimagala@gmail.com
IN his effort to convey very important truths of faith about us, Christ used literary
devices, figures and images that we can easily identify and relate. It’s something that
we should also do in our effort to carry out our Christian duty of evangelization. We
need to see to it that we are effective in connecting with the people, in putting ourselves
in the same wavelength and on the same page as they are when we preach or
One such image is that of the sheep and sheepfold. This was used in that gospel
parable where Christ said that we are his sheep and that he is the door to the
sheepfold. (cfr. Jn 10,1-10) The lesson of the parable is quite clear. We need to be
always with Christ if we indeed would like to belong to Christ’s sheepfold and to God’s
people and family as we should.
We have to be wary when we would just let ourselves be guided and led by our
different human ways. While it is unavoidable that we always have to resort to some
human means, we should never forget that everything should be done under the
guidance of Christ.
For this, we always have to remember that Christ is always with us. He is actually
intervening in our life in an abiding way. He is never indifferent to us. In fact, he always
looks at us with great love and concern, and is ever ready to give us the help we need
in any situation, especially when we find ourselves in great difficulties or, worse, when
we get confused and lost through sin.
We just should train ourselves to be constantly aware of this truth of our faith to
such an extent that whatever we do, we should do it always with Christ and for Christ.
That is the ideal condition of our life, given our dignity as God’s image and likeness,
children of his, sharers of his divine life and nature even while we are still here on earth.
Let’s remember that the only thing we can do outside of Christ is to fall into sin sooner
or later.
We need to learn as early as possible to come up with some effective plan of life
which would always put us in an abiding and intimate relationship with Christ. And this,
done the earlier the better, since with all the rapid developments in the world today, the
possibility of us forgetting, ignoring and taking Christ for granted is very high.
We cannot deny that we are easily seduced by the many worldly, if not sinful,
things around, desensitizing us from our need for Christ and spoiling our carnal selves
while impoverishing our more important spiritual and supernatural dimensions of our life.
In this regard, the different levels of the Church should be very active, sparing no
effort to evangelize the people. Hopefully the families and other institutions of our
society can better respond to their duty to evangelize those under them or in the sphere
of their influence.
It’s important, for example, that the families get better equipped to carry out this
responsibility because it’s there where children are formed. The schools too should give
due attention to this grave duty, always highlighting the spiritual and religious dimension
of whatever knowledge and skills they are imparting. In fact, it’s the spiritual and
religious dimensions that should always be given emphasis no matter how technical the
education given in schools may be.