Maribojoc, Bohol – The PNP Tracker Team of Maribojoc Police Station successfully arrested alias “Dodong” in Poblacion, Maribojoc, Bohol on April 29, 2023. The operation was led by PCPT ALLAIN RANDY LIBA, Chief of Police.
The arrest was made by virtue of a Warrant of Arrest issued from the Regional Trial Court, Branch 2, Tagbilaran City, Bohol.
The warrant was signed by HON. JENNIFER CHAVEZ MARCOS, Presiding Judge, with Criminal Case Numbers 26935 and 26936 for Qualified Rape Two (2) counts (RPC Art. 266-B) with no recommended bail bond.
During the operation, the operating team used two (2) Alternative Recording Devices in compliance with the rules on the Use of Body-Worn Cameras in the Execution of Warrants (A.M. No.21-06-08-SC).
The accused was informed of the nature and cause of his arrest and apprised of his Constitutional rights in a language best known to him.
After the arrest, the accused was immediately brought to Maribojoc Community Hospital for a medical check-up and later to the police station for booking. He is now temporarily detained at Maribojoc Police Station custodial facility waiting for his return to proper judicial authority.