Med insider
FOR MAY 7. 2023
The Importance of the CAD/CAM Dental Lab in a
Dental Center (PART 1)
We will now be discussing the importance of the
CAD.CAM Dental Lab in a Dental Center
It should be noted that the Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
and Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) dentistry
enable dentists to create new false teeth like crowns,
dentures, bridges, and many more much faster and easier
than before.
This is especially true because of the emergence of 3D
printing technology, wherein any three-dimensional (3D)
design that you come up with can be printed out in real
time in 3D, as though you have a personal manufacturing
factory right inside your clinic.
This dentistry type has certainly made dental laboratories
more dependable and quicker with their denture and
orthodontic turnaround time.
Since more trusted dental centers are already operating
CAD/CAM dental labs, it’s a good idea to learn more about
this advanced technology and how it could impact your
restorative dentistry needs.
The first question is: What Is CAD/CAM Dentistry?
CAD/CAM dentistry is a new dental invention or
innovation, particularly in the realm of prosthodontics.
As mentioned earlier, it’s all about using computers in
order to aid dental labs in making prosthodontics in a more
efficient manner, usually with the aid of a dental digital
scanner to get the mold of the mouth versus a literal mold
using molding material placed into the mouth.
These scanners are many times more accurate than their
mold-based counterparts.