A Question & Answer Session
with Dr. Bryan Cepedoza
(Part 7)
The Bohol Tribune (TBT): May I ask again the
following questions, Dr. Bryan?
“What is vape?
What is meant by vaping?
Dr. Bryan Cepedoza (DBC): To vape means to inhale
and exhale vapor containing nicotine and flavoring
produced by a devise designed for this purpose.
TBT: They say that vape is better than cigarette
smoking? Is vaping similar to smoking?
DBC: Vaping and Smoking both deliver nicotine. The
difference is: cigarettes deliver nicotine by burning
tobacco and this practice definitely creates many
harmful toxins.
TBT: And how about vaping?
DBC: Vaping delivers nicotine in e-liquid and this is still
not safe. Mao nasad nay maka cause ug kaluya sa sa
atoang lungs mao nga dali ra ta mag ubo ubo. Dali ra ta
magka infection ani. Anything that causes chronic
irritation in our lungs is harmful. The effects may not be
felt now but take note how you would feel 10 to 20 years
from now.
TBT: Is it true that vaping is harmless and is a good
alternative for cigarette smoking?
DBC: That is not true. There is already a study saying
that the effects of vaping are just the same as smoking.
Both will lead to the lowering of the immune system of
our lungs. So, both are not safe because when the
body’s immune system is low, the body is susceptible to
infections. Ang ipasabut ani nga kung ubos ang atong
immune system, mas dali matakdan ug kagaw ang
atong lawas.
TBT: That is scary.
DBC: If we compare a person who is not vaping or who
is not smoking to a person who smokes and vapes, the
latter is prone to getting infection. The person who
vapes will eventually suffer from chronic destructive
pulmonary disease, a kind of disease that one gets if he
smokes cigarettes.
TBT: You said a while ago, Dr. Bryan that one of the
causes of a pulmonary disease is environment pollution.
An example of this, is the smoke we get from building
fire – even the simple fire from the dirty kitchen.
DBC: That is true. It is normal that when firewood or
other materials are burned, the chemicals/elements will
evaporate and will form part of the smoke. This is just
like smoking.
TBT: Ah mao diay, doc, nga kung maghaling mi, unya
mahanggab naho ang aso, mura ug hubakon ko. So,
what is asthma, doc?
DBC: Okay, asthma is another disease that affects your
lungs. Asthma causes repeated episodes of wheezing,
breathlessness, chest tightness, and nighttime or early
morning coughing.
TBT: How can asthma be prevented or avoided, Dr.
DBC: Asthma can be controlled by taking medicine and
by avoiding triggers that can cause the asthma attack.
Asthma is like being encoded in our genetics code. We
have to remember that the airway in the respiratory
system is very hyper reactive. Mao nga ug matandog na
siya, mo gamay or mo pilot. Para sa ubang tawo, kung
mo pilot na, it will constrict and will give the person the
difficulty to breathe.
TBT: I have a close friend, Dr. Bryan, who is now living
abroad. Every time she comes home, she has asthma
attack. According to her, the attack is caused by the
pollens. Do pollens trigger asthma?
DBC: Yes, pollens are top causes of asthma. They can
really trigger asthma. So, if you have many fresh flowers
inside your house, there is a big possibility that you will
have asthma attack as the pollens could trigger the
attack. Kanang mga pollen sa mga buwak sa inyong
palibot sa balay, grabe kaayu na sila maka irritate ug
makatandog sa imong hubak. Once hubakon ka, ug
daghan buwak sa inyung balay, dako jud ug chance nga
mapukaw jud imong asthma. You really have to be
TBT: What are the other things that could trigger the
attack of asthma, Dr. Bryan?
DBC: There are also certain kinds of food that could
trigger asthma. For example, some people develop
allergy when they eat seafoods. So, to be sure, to
consult your doctor as to what is best for you as far as
your asthma is concerned.