Cong. Edgar Chatto (3rd from left) takes a photo break with fellow members of the House of Representatives at the plenary hall of Congress. These congressmen are with Chatto in their work to pass a vital legislation on Integrated Coastal Management and Coastal Greenbelt to address Climate Change. With Congressman Chatto during this photo session on May 16, 2023 are (from left to right) Cong. Edsel Galeos, Deputy Speaker Duke Frasco, Cong. Janice S. Alimbangon, Cong. Cutie Del Mar and Cong. Peter Calderon. Contributed photo 

Cong. Edgar Chatto (left), Deputy Speaker Duke Frasco (center) and Cong. Josie Limkaichong (right) wait for the resumption of sessions in Congress on May 8, 2023. Contributed photo