On May 12, 2023, Maria Vanessa Aumentado of the 2nd district of Bohol was the honored guest during the groundbreaking ceremony of the following projects: multi-purpose building in brgy San Miguel, Dagohoy worth P10M; and the Erico B. Aumentado High School (EBAHS) building in poblacion, Ubay worth P38M. The funds for these projects come from the General Appropriations Act (GAA) of 2023 and the implementing agency is the district engineering office II. Rep. Aumentado also attended the meeting in barangay San Miguel, Dagohoy, Bohol with members of the people’s organization (PO) for the upcoming turnover of livelihood checks to the association. Another activity which was attended by the Congresswoman was the turnover ceremony of the Philippine National Police (PNP)-Ubay station with PNP as the fund source and implementing agency-PNP. Congresswoman Aumentado congratulated barangay San Miguel in Dagohoy, Bohol and the town of Ubay as beneficiaries of the projects. Contributed photo