Medical Insider – Dr. Cora E. Lim
FOR JUNE 11, 2023
Applied Rheumatology Made Simple (A.R.M.S.)
(Part 11 – Conclusion)
In our previous articles we discussed the following:
Considerations to make about the SLE
Suggested ways to treat mild SLE
Reasons we have to refer the patient with mild SLE to a
warning signs of a serious rheumatic disease
Laboratory clues to a serious rheumatic disorder
Mimics of rheumatic diseases
Now, let us discuss some PITFALLS IN RHEUMATIC DISEASE
DIAGNOSIS. What are these? Below, you will find some:
Present polyarthritis may have started as intermittent
monoarthritis of gout
Knee pam ina perfectly healthy looking knee may be coming
from the hip
A rash is not a rash if you do not look for it
Gout may occur without hyperuricemia and vice versa
ANA positivity does not always indicate SLE
In summary for this topic, we have listed the following points:
Most rheumatic diseases are diagnosed by history and
physical examination. occasionally with the use of basic
laboratory tests
Analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs are a mainstay of
therapy in most rheumatic diseases
Therapy is highly individualized even in patients with the
same rheumatic disease
Recognition of a serious rheumatic disorder may be more
important than making an actual diagnosis.
Before we go to another topic for our next article, we sish to thank
and acknowledge the following sources of information:
Arthritis CaRe (Arthritis Care and Research Foundation of
the Philippines. Inc.)
APARC Asia-Pacific Arthritis and Rheumatism Council
Pharmacia and Pfizer
Transview Express. Philippines
Adis International Ltd