by Donald Sevilla
We value peace as much as we value our privacy. Ideally we like to keep our work away from our families as we want to spend time with them free from work-related stress and enjoying it.
Yet some people can’t help intrude into our private lives to ruin our peace to promote their ends. They feel entitled intruding into our private space feeling as though they know us well enough, when in fact we haven’t even met them in person and gained their acquaintance.
How many such instances have we experienced when people talk about us and our life’s events as though they were present and knew firsthand?
It is amazing how some people concoct stories and lead others to believe their words as though these were true and indisputable. They have “mastered the art of propaganda” where truth can be distorted into a lie and lies be glorified to feel like the truth.
People in public service and movie stars and celebrities are often victims of this unwanted inquisition. It is understandable why they abhor and detest the paparrazi as these ” pseudo-journalists” make a living from incursions into their privacy.
While we understand the need for our public servants to live a life of transparency and accountability, there are limits to the things one can do to pry into their lives in the guise of pursuing noble advocacies and intentions.
Herein lies a thin line others cross to achieve their ends. To the narcissist the end often justifies the means just to achieve their goals. A sane, normal person knows how to set boundaries and respect them with utmost regard for good manners and proper conduct.
But what if going beyond becomes one’s favorite pastime and “normal” behavior?
Can we just let it go and come to pass?
The slandering of a person usually with the intention of destroying public confidence in him or her to glorify oneself is the egoist’s trademark. A narcissist puts others down to promote himself and his “advocacies” and relishes the glory.
Getting attention through “character assassination is an intentional attempt, usually by a narcissist or his or her codependents, to influence the portrayal or reputation of someone in such a way as to cause others to develop an extremely negative or unappealing perception of them.”
This is the handiwork of people who love to draw attention to themselves and play hero at others’ expense. How often have we fallen victim to this detestable experience?
Whether we keep to ourselves or enjoy basking in the limelight, there are those who hound us obsessively. It does not help that we totally ignore them for often they are persistent and annoying.
These narcissists only think of themselves and no other. Destroying people’s characters, they remain true to their form, confidently believing the lies they peddle.
When this happens treating them civilly and cordially may seem a waste of time but rest assured the universe has its set of rules and consequences. It may not be now nor immediate but surely it will come to collect its due.
KARMA ia a bitch!