Erico Joseph T. Canete
Peripatetic’s Discourse
June 25, 2023
(Erico Joseph T. Canete)
DOES LOVE END at the end of the last breath? Does the phrase “until death do us part” put finality to love? If so, then “FOREVER” in LOVE is a fantasy.
It seems contradictory to posit that FOREVER IN LOVE transcends the boundary of man’s finiteness. It does not exist. Our finiteness defines its end. However, I am convinced that despite our limited corporeality eternal love. In what way?
Allow me to write and share my personal reflection based on the five nuggets of wisdom of Fr. Ruben Villote’s article about “Growing in Love” (not the exact title) that he wrote in the 1980s. Growing is the key to unlock the bounty of eternal love. Unworthy we may be with my better half considering our challenges and struggles too, yet I transcribe and share these thoughts as points for you RJ and Antoniette to ponder and wonder.
Your individuality still exists despite of your concord. You did not lose your individuality. You still carry your uniqueness. Respect each other’s differences because your polarity is a way for you to realize that you still have so much to share. Develop each of your skill, capacity, potential, talent among others. You need these in your process of becoming. Become to be what each of you ought to be as your hearts desire.
As your individual self grows, don’t leave one behind. You must grow together. Hold each other’s hand. Reach out if one falls. Don’t let failure overtake you. That very moment you said “I love you” to each other, was the moment that your “I” is gone. Love is an annihilation of the “I” for what exists in love is the “You.”
In our Filipino culture, we just don’t marry the bride or the groom. We marry the entire family, clan, circle of friends or even the whole neighborhood. Funny, but true! This means that as you grow more financially and spiritually in your married life, share your blessings to others. Let everyone grow together with you with your generosity. Be kind and be generous to everyone especially to your parents in their old age.
You are now God’s auxiliary of His handiwork of creation. You have the noble task to procreate, educate and bring the souls of your children back to Him someday. This is a necessity on top of your obligation providing the basic needs of your children. This, in a way, is your role of growing together for a purpose bigger than your own small and limited worlds.
All your efforts are futile if you don’t grow together in God. Make Him the center of your married life. Faith is not just a gift from God but above all a gratuitous gift. Meaning, God provides you all the opportunities and circumstances to strengthen it. We are lucky we don’t have reason only but faith too. Make devotions to strengthen your will. Lift your intellect in prayer. Offer sacrifices and devotions. Use your tounge to praise God. Spend time with others in prayer as you adore Him. This is how to grow together in God.
REXIE JOHN and ANTONIETTE, make your love grow. Married life is difficult but it does not mean it’s not beautiful. It is beautiful because you’ve made a choice to have each other face the challenges of human existence.
This is the essence of FOREVER IN LOVE.
Congratulations, Good luck and God bless!