By Atty. Julius Gregory B. Delgado
In a case docketed as A.C. No. 13521 [Formerly A.M. No. 21-12-05-SC] [Re: Resolution dated
January 4, 2022, in A.M. No. 21-12-05-SC against Atty. Lorenzo G. Gadon], which was decided last June
27, 2023, the Supreme Court, in a unanimous vote 15-0, disbarred Atty. Lorenzo “Larry” Gadon when he
repeatedly cursed and uttered profane remarks against journalist Raissa Robles of Rappler. When the
said video went viral, the Court already made an unprecedented move of motu proprio taking
cognizance of the same and imposed indefinite suspension on Atty. Gadon from the practice of law.
The Supreme Court already applied and implemented the newly issued Code of Professional
Responsibility and Accountability, particularly Canon II on Propriety, to wit:
“A lawyer shall, at all times, act with propriety and maintain the appearance of propriety in
personal and professional deadlines, observe honesty, respect and courtesy, and uphold the dignity of
the legal profession consistent with the highest standards of ethical behavior.
x x x x x x x x x
SECTION 4. Use of dignified, gender-fair, and child- and culturally-sensitive language. – A
lawyer shall use only dignified; gender-fair, child-and culturally-sensitive language in all personal and
professional dealings.
To this end, a lawyer shall not use language which is abusive, intemperate, offensive or
otherwise improper, oral or written, and whether made through traditional or electronic means,
including all forms of types of mass or social media.”
In imposing the ultimate penalty of striking Gadon’s name from the Roll of Attorneys, the Court
stated, in its Press Briefer dated June 28, 2023, that “Gadon unfortunately failed to realize that lawyers
are expected to avoid scandalous behavior, whether in their public or private life.”
The Court also cited, although with due respect I beg to disagree on this portion of the ruling,
that Gadon has other pending administrative cases which supposedly speaks volume of his character.
While in deciding disciplinary/administrative cases against lawyers, previous cases will be taken into
consideration, these cases are already finally decided. Until cases are decided with finality, the lawyer is
presumed to be innocent of such charges as there are instances that lawyers are respondents to
harassment disciplinary/administrative cases as part of “hazards of the job” as lawyers.
Finally, the Court reminded all lawyers, “The privilege to practice law is bestowed only upon
individuals who are competent intellectually, academically and, equally important, morally. x x x There is
no room in this noble profession for misogyny, and sexism. The Court will never tolerate abuse, in
whatever form, especially when perpetrated by an officer of the court.”