JULY 9, 2023
Tooth Sensitivity
(Part 1)
What is meant by tooth sensitivity? Tooth sensitivity refers
to a discomfort of your tooth or teeth that’s due to pain that’s
shooting, sharp, and sudden but temporary.
When one has sensitive teeth, certain activities can cause
his discomfort. What are these activities that may result into
a sharp and temporary pain one’s teeth? These include
brushing, eating, and drinking. Sensitive teeth are typically
the result of worn tooth enamel or exposed tooth roots.
What are the causes of Tooth Sensitivity? Every adult, in
one moment of his life, must have experienced a toothache.
But does this adult know that the most common kind of
toothache is the pain due to tooth sensitivity?
As we said, tooth sensitivity refers to a discomfort of your
tooth or teeth due to pain that’s shooting, sharp, and sudden
but temporary. It is usually triggered when you eat
something hot, cold, acidic, sweet, and so on.
Dealing with tooth sensitivity usually involves treating the
underlying cause, whether or not it is tooth decay or
periodontal disease that eats away your enamel or
Your enamel needs reinforcement and your gums need
treatment in order to desensitize your teeth. There are even
toothpastes that assist those who have sensitive teeth to
reduce all this sensitivity. (To be continued)