JULY 16, 2023
A Question & Answer Session
with Dr. Bryan Cepedoza
on Health Issues in the Philippines
(Part 2)
The Bohol Tribune (TBT): You said in our previous
conversation, Dr. Bryan, that while it is true that
there is no natural cure for asthma, its symptoms
can be treated. You also said that with several
medications, the symptoms of asthma can be
controlled, especially, if the patient and his doctor
will be able to come up with an asthma action plan.
Dr. Bryan Cepedoza: That is true.
TBT: Again, what are the symptoms of asthma, Dr.
Dr. Bryan: Some of the symptoms of asthma are
wheezing, coughing and chest tightness and this
tightness, sometimes, would become severe and
constant. Another symptom would be breathing faster.
Some would experience the situation of being too
breathless to eat or to sleep. Others would also have a
fast heartbeat. You have to take note that the early signs
of asthma would include, among others, shortness of
breath, cough, chest tightness or pain, and a whistling
sound when you breathe.
TBT: Here is a question from a listener: “I have a
daughter, who, at the slightest scent of perfume
would have an asthma attack. Why is this so?”
Dr. Bryan: We have to realize that asthma in our body
has already been there for a long time. It is just waiting
to be triggered and there are many factors that could
trigger asthma. Some of these would be: perfume,
powder, and the chalk dust.
TBT: What really happens when one has the
asthma attack?
Dr. Bryan: When one has the asthma attack, the
person’s airways become swollen and inflamed. When
this happens, the muscles around the airways would
contract and the airways themselves would produce
extra mucus.
TBT: What are we supposed to do, Dr. Bryan, to
avoid common asthma triggers?
Dr. Bryan: Quit smoking, NOW. Do not quit smoking
later. Do it NOW! Then, do not forget to wear a mask if
you do some chores that would require the mask. Why?
It is because wearing a mask would help you prevent
the chances of gathering dust, powder and all forms of
asthma triggers.
TBT: I understand!
Dr. Bryan: Moreover, don’t forget to keep pets out of
your area. Be sure to clean your air conditioning units so
they will not accumulate dust, too. Always have clean
pillows, beddings, and mattresses. This way, you reduce
TBT: Is asthma transmitted from one person to
another, Dr. Bryan?
Dr. Bryan: Asthma is non-communicable disease and is
not transmitted from one person to another. However,
there are respiratory viral infections like colds and
influenza, and these may cause complications for an
asthmatic patient. This situation should be avoided.
(To be continued)