JULY 16, 2023
Ankylosing Spondylitis
(Part 3)
Our July 9, 2023 issue of this column started
the discussion of some of the recommended
treatments for AS which included the
following: Exercise, Drug Treatments, and
As far as drug treatment is concerned, we
made mention of painkillers and NSAIDS;
disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs
(DMARDS) like sulfasalazine; and biological
In addition, we can also have the following
- Steroids: used as a short-term
treatment for flare-ups. They’re usually
given as an injection into a swollen joint. - Physiotherapy: a very important part of
the treatment. It’s especially important
to exercise your back and neck to avoid
them stiffening into a bent position
Another recommended treatment is surgery.
Bed rest is certainly not recommended, as
this will speed up the stiffening of your spine.
Other things one can do are: hot or cold
pads, use of a medium-firm bed, a hot bath
before going to bed, orthotics inside the
shoes if one’s heels or feet are affected, no
smoking, special attention to one’s posture,
and keeping pillows to a minimum.
You have to remember that if you have
ankylosing spondylitis, there’s a small
chance that your children will also develop it
(only 15%). So, if you think your child or
another relative might have ankylosing
spondylitis, ask them to see a rheumatologist
as soon as possible, as there’s a history of
ankylosing spondylitis in the family.