JULY 23, 2023
A Question & Answer Session
with Dr. Bryan Cepedoza
on Health Issues in the Philippines
(Part 3)
The Bohol Tribune (TBT): We are still on the topic
about “Health Issues” in our country, Dr. Bryan.
This time, we would like to discuss Tuberculosis
(TB). We understand that this disease is another
health issue in our country and maybe, in our
province, too. Or is TB still a health issue today in
the Philippines?
Dr. Bryan Cepedoza: Definitely! TB is still a health
issue in our country. Tuberculosis is a serious health
issue because some of our patients don’t care about
their ailment. We have good medicines for TB. Now, as
soon as we give the medicines to the patient, he will
stop taking such medicines after 2 weeks especially
when he feels that he is already okay.
TBT: Is that so, Dr. Bryan?
Dr. Bryan: Yes! Our TB treatment is for a minimum of 6
months. But after 2 weeks, the patient stops taking his
medication. It is because the patient says that after 2
weeks of medication, he/she already feels good and
believes that he is already cured from TB. But, after a
few months – about 3 months later – some symptoms
start to come back. The patient goes back to the doctor
and the doctor discovers that the lungs are not anymore
good. So, at that time when the patient didn’t go back to
the doctor for a follow up medication, the patient himself
met a lot of people and the latter got infected with the
TBT: That is a disaster!
Dr. Bryan: It is! That’s what’s not good with some TB
patients. After a few months of medication, they feel
they are already better. And because of that feeling,
they stop taking the medicines for TB without knowing
that they are not yet totally cured from the disease. So,
in the process, they roam around, meet other people
who get infected along the way. This is the reason that
until now, TB has not been eliminated even though there
is medicine for it.
TBT: I am sad to know that, Dr. Bryan!
Dr. Bryan: I am, too. That is why, I wish to repeat and
emphasize that TB patients should not stop taking the
medication according to the dosage and length of time
instructed by the doctor. Otherwise, they will cause harm
to other people. I repeat, this practice of not completing
your medication as prescribed will not help our health
condition in the country. This is the reason that until now
TB has not been eliminated in the Philippines.
TBT: Dr. Bryan, what are some of the symptoms of
Dr. Bryan: Some of the common symptoms of TB are: a
persistent cough that may last for more than 3 to 4
weeks; coughing up phlegm or mucus with blood in it;
always feeling exhausted and tired; loss of appetite; you
also lose weight; you have a high temperature coupled
with night sweats and you don’t generally feel well.
TBT: How do you get infected with TB? Or how
does TB start?
Dr. Bryan: TB begins when you inhale the TB bacteria.
The inhaled TB bacteria, called tubercle bacilli, begin to
multiply in the small air sacs of the lungs. Some of these
TB bacteria then enter the bloodstream and will spread
throughout the body.
TBT: So, with proper medication Dr. Bryan, how
long will TB last?
Dr. Bryan: What is meant by proper medication? Proper
medication would mean this: People with the TB disease
would have to take several medicines when they start
treatment. After taking TB medicine for several weeks, a
doctor will be able to tell TB patients when they are no
longer able to spread TB germs to others. Most people
with TB disease will need to take TB medicine for at
least 6 months to be cured. (To be continued)