Bohol Tribune

Peripatetics’ Discourse

Bohol Tribune
Peripatetic’s Discourse
July 30, 2023

“Moral Decadence”
(Erico Joseph T. Canete)

The lewd sexual act done in public in one of the interior towns in Bohol and the case of drag
performances of Pura Luka Vega’s Ama Namin” and “Natutulog ba ang Dios” are exemplars and
manifestations of moral decadence; a failure to uphold sound morality. Both actions imply an
absolute abuse of individual freedom consequently destroying the existential order of society. The
actions are morally undesirable and ought to be condemned.
Ethics or Morals is a reflective study of both our individual and social nature in relation to the
rectitude of our human actions. Furthermore, it is a guide to the common good. It purifies our soul to
live in the state of simplicity, peace and in harmony with the Summum Bonum or the Highest Good;
We learned from Ethics or Morals that we ought to respect the dignity of human sexuality. Part of
our sexuality is the sexual act. A sexual act carries with it a recta ratio agibilium (the right reasoning
in acting), that when met, becomes good, moral and sacred.
First, the sexual act must be in the context of “agape – selfless love” and not lust. Second, it should
be potentially procreative. Now, there are instances when a woman is not potentially procreative.
Sexual union done during this stage is not violative of the second condition since it’s natural. It’s
God who designed it to be that way hence, morally safe. Reason the Catholic church only allows
natural means of birth control. Violation of this condition includes contraceptive means of birth
control, scientific experimentation like in vitro fertilization, among others. Third, it should be in the
context of marriage. Fornication and adultery are violations of this condition. Lastly, when the sexual
act is done, there should be no observer. Watching pornographic films and making the sexual act
vulgar lose the intimate character of the act because there are observers.
Examining that lewd sexual act done in public with the conditions mentioned above, makes us
conclude that the act is morally evil.
On the other hand, Pura Luka Vega’s act is violative of the moral value on respect and love for a
Supreme Being. It was blasphemous and sacrilegious not only to the Christian world but to anyone
who thinks and believes of an existence of a superior being, an uncaused cause and unmoved mover
ought to be respected and adored. Aside from the voice of faith, reason tells that it was not a public
worship but a mass mockery to Christianity.
We must condemn these devious acts for they have no place in society governed by reason spiced
with the gift of faith. As part of our messianic responsibility, though we forgive them, justice must be
served to them. This is a way to save our people, especially the youth, from sodomic and sacrilegious

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