FOR AUGUST 6, 2023
“When it rains, it pours.” Most of us associate such
expression with an outpouring of blessings and good
tidings. Yet, this could also be a series of misfortunes
happening one after the other.
Like Murphy’s Law, when something goes wrong,
everything can go wrong. When confronted with a
bevy of problems, it leads us to question ourselves,
what have we done to deserve it? What has gone
Rains are seen as a blessing for our crops and
farmers since ancient times have offered rituals and
prayers to the gods for a bountiful harvest. Yet, heavy
rains and a downpour could lead to flooding and
inflict damage.
Similarly when we are in a situation where we are
inundated by a myriad of problems and are up to our
necks in it, we are in a lot of trouble.
The sad state of our daily existence is a testament to
our follies. That we are burdened by the high prices of
food that we put on our tables, expensive transport
fares and constantly rising fuel prices and low wages
among others, only show the tip of the iceberg.
A bigger problem lies in our inability to govern
ourselves well and to transform our mindsets. We are
only as good as the leaders we elect and put into
office. But society’s greater loss lies in those whose
talents we took for granted and wasted, who could
have done us more good. We only realize the value of
someone or something when we lose him/her/it.
Since day one, when our new masters took over the
helm of the capitol, we have been met by a lot of
problems. Coincidentally or not, hardly a day passes
where we cannot read in the news of a vehicular
accident happening somewhere around the province.
Armed clashes with terror groups long thought of to
be disbanded, have reappeared. Illegal drugs and
gambling have resurfaced with a vengeance and we
see bolder and more violent crimes such as an act of
beheading, something virtually unheard of before.
What do all these mean to say? Bad Feng Shui or
simply random acts of chaos? Not one to believe in
pure luck that determines our fate, but the signs are
worriedly ominous .
When the Cory administration that took over from the
Marcoses began showing signs of vindictiveness
rather than reconciliation, things did not bode well for
Can we say the same of our new rulers at King’s
Landing? When our leaders promote a culture of hate
and vindictiveness, we get stuck in the past and are
unable to move forward.
We may have wanted change so badly that we eagerly
embraced it. But for all we know we could be jumping
from the frying pan into the fire!
Change we long, change we must, yet change we
must constantly do till we find our comfortable place
in the sun. Over the horizon 2025 beckons.