July 23, 2023
Santa Monica Church
Alburquerque, Bohol
A wedding celebration is the union in
marriage of two individuals who will
promise to live together “for better, for
worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness
and in health . . .”
The Albuladora-Balo nuptials, which took
place on July 23, 2023, was a concrete
example of a solemn celebration of the
union of two lovely people, who vowed to
love and honor each other all the days of
their lives.
Ismael (the groom) and Feleanor (the
bride) are childhood friends. They live in
the same town and practically grew in the
same environment.
Their courtship year started in 2007. When
they became officially on with the
boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, it wasn’t
difficult for Ismael to propose marriage.
That proposal took place on December 25,
2022 – Christmas Day. They finally
marched down the aisle on July 23, 2023
at the Santa Monica Church, Alburquerque
The groom’s full name is Ismael
Arboladura. He is 31 years old and the
youngest among 9 siblings. He is from
Bahi, Alburquerque, Bohol and presently
works at the Dex International Co. as a
welder/installer of overhead cranes and
cargo elevators.
The bride’s full name is Feleanor Balo. She
is 30 years old and comes from East
Poblacion, Alburquerque, Bohol. She is
the eldest among 6 siblings and is
presently connected with the local
government unit of Alburquerque, Bohol.
Immediately after the church rites, the
reception was held at the Fortridge