The spate of deaths from road traffic accidents that occur almost daily and the tragic incidents of suicides one after the other in a span of time, leave us wondering what could be wrong? Have the stars in the heavens aligned unfavorably against us?
While we do not tempt our fate to the stars and the mysterious workings of the universe, sometimes we are led to wonder what things exist that affect our lives in one way or another?
We reap what we sow and many experiences we have are products of years of unpleasant subconscious and subliminal existence.Suicides don’t just happen overnight and are often brought about by extreme anxiety and depression. The signs may have been there all along, but simply taken for granted and set aside.
While accidents do happen some things we simply can choose to avoid. Driving recklessly in our motorcycles without helmets on our well-paved roads is courting disaster .
Yet by no means should we be judgmental. Mental health issues have now come to our consciousness because of the pandemic lockdowns that resulted to a major shift in our lifestyles that greatly curtailed our freedom of movement and led us to a cloistered existence.
Many didn’t take well to the isolation brought about by quarantines that caused loneliness and boredom. Nevertheless what the pandemic did show us was to value the importance of caring for our mental well-being apart from our physical health.
When we look at our present state of affairs, we like to think we have learned valuable lessons from our past experiences and relish comfort in it.But life is a dynamic and ever-continuing process of learning and adaptation.
We adapt, we evolve, and we change
for the better. But have we?
When the new leadership took over the reins of governance many were optimistic and hopeful. Yet a year into this administration what do we have to show?
Problem after problem of seemingly insurmountable challenges hound us. We are beset by the rising costs of living not to mention the much greater expense of dying. Everywhere we look we see the rising costs of food, fuel and other necessities that we need to survive.
If we are to be a fatalist our future seems hopeless. But we are endowed with choices and free will that we can work to make things happen and steer the direction of our destiny.
Yet all these depend on us.If we do nothing then nothing much we can expect. Our present crop of leaders may not have what it takes to get us out of the woods but with great effort and initiative perhaps we can manage.
The things we are experiencing are symptoms of a bigger problem.Put simply it is just the tip of the iceberg. Are we being punished for the things we ‘ve done and made to answer for our excesses?
While this seems true we are what we make of ourselves. Do you believe in luck?