Congratulations, Doni Corinne Entero-Lim,
the new Medical Technologist and physician in the making!
Corinne is the daughter of a practicing rheumatologist and
columnist of this paper, Dr. Maria Corazon Entero-Lim.
Her dad is a successful businessman, Alvin Lim, who
used to be a territory manager of a drug company but
shifted to managing the family business operating in
Bohol. An only daughter, Corinne is the middle child
among three and her siblings are: Christian AJ Lim, a
graduate of BA in International Studies at Cebu Doctors
University (CDU) and currently, a 4th year Law Student at
Holy Name University (HNU); and Corvin Andre Lim, a
3rd year Financial Management student at the University
of San Carlos, Cebu City
Corinne, as she is fondly called by family and friends, is a
product of the UB-VDT brand of high school education
She graduated from senior high at Cebu Doctors
University, Cebu City. She finished her studies in Bachelor
of Science in Medical Technology, also at Cebu Doctors
University. She took the licensure examination for
Medical Technologists on August 12 and 13, 2023 and
PASSED! Currently, she is on her 2nd year in Medicine at
University of Cebu School of Medicine
Corinne is well loved by the Lim-Entero families. Her late
grandfather (on the Lim side) was Wenefredo Lim, one of
the successful Chinese businessmen from the province of
Cebu. Her living grandmother (on the paternal side) is
another Chinese businesswoman, Teresita Lim, now
stationed at B P. del Rosario Extention, Cebu City. Her
only aunt (the sister of her father) is Arlene Lim–Chan
who also finished her degree in Cebu City and is married
to Melvin Chan, another Chinese businessman, having his
“buy and sell” store at the Sibonga Public Market, Cebu.
On the mother side, Corinne is the favorite granddaughter
of the late educators: Valeriano D. Entero Sr, a district
supervisor and Dominga T. Entero, a master teacher
from Loay, Bohol.
Corinne is a favorite niece of her mom’s siblings: Renato
Entero, a medical technologist married to Emelyn and
both are now residing in the U.S.A; Hermes Entero, an
Electrical Engr married to Jocelyn Entero, a Certified
Public Accountant. After staying in the U.S.A for some
years, both decided to retire in the Philippines; Marilu
Entero – Kurinzi. a nurse who is also working and staying
in the U.S.A with her family; Valeriano Entero, Jr.,
another nurse married to Tilay and both are permanent
residents of the U.S.A but are currently here on vacation;
Judith Regañon, a CPA who is married to Atty. Romulo
Regañon. Judith is a retired top regional officer of the
Bureau of Internal Revenue; Joseph Entero, a lawyer
married to Marilyn Entero and both are residing at the
capital city of the Philippines; Rhodora Entero, a doctor of
Dental Medicine who holds clinic at Ace Medical Center,
HNU Medical Center, and Loay Entero Clinic in Loay,
Bohol; Vincent Entero, a medical doctor in Pediatrics
having his clinic at Ubay, Bohol.
Congratulations, Lim and Entero families!