Bohol Tribune

Medical Insider – Dr. Cora E. Lim

FOR AUGUST 27, 2023

(Part 3)

So far, we have already discussed several sub-topics
about Gout.
Our previous articles were discussions on:
 What is Gout
 How Urate is Produced
 What Causes Gout
 What Are Symptoms of an Attack of Gout
 What May a Doctor Suggest if a Person Has a Gout
 The Initial Treatments for Acute Attacks of Gout
including Self-Help Measures and One’s Outlook
regarding Gout Attacks.
Today, we will focus on Dietary modifications for people
who have gout.
If you have gout, remember to AVOID the following:
 Organ meats high in purine content (eg.
sweetbreads, liver, kidney)
 High fructose corn syrup-sweetened sodas, other
beverages, or foods.
 Alcohol overuse (defined as more than 2 servings
per day for a male and 1 serving per day for a
female) in all gout patients.
 Any alcohol use in gout during periods of frequent
gout attacks, or advanced gout under poor

If you have gout, remember to have a LIMIT on the
 Serving sizes of:

 Servings of naturally sweet fruit juices

If you have gout, remember to ENCOURAGE:
 Low-fat or non-fat dairy products.
 Vegetables.

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