A Question & Answer Session
on Pneumonia with
Dr. Bryan Cepedoza
(Part 6)
The Bohol Tribune (TBT): Good afternoon, Dr. Bryan.
Are there other information you would like to give us
about pneumonia?
Dr. Bryan Cepedoza (Dr. Bryan): Yes! This time I wish
to present to you some myths about pneumonia. As I
said, pneumonia is an infection in our lungs, and the
causative agent could be virus, bacteria, fungus or
could be all at the same time. The most common
symptoms are cough fever and chills. Fever in
pneumonia is an immune response, and this immune
response could be absent in immune compromised
patient. The reason those extreme of ages do not
manifest fever is because they are relatively immune
compromised. Below are some myths and facts about
Myth 1: Pneumonia and Bronchitis are the same
Fact: Pneumonia is an infection in the lung tissue while
bronchitis is infection in the bronchi (tubes of the lungs).
But both can be caused by virus, bacteria or fungus.
Physical examination, chest x-ray and chest ct-scan can
distinguish between pneumonia and bronchitis
Myth 2: You are only infectious if you are sick.
Fact: You could be a carrier even if you have no
symptoms. The best way to prevent infection is through
vaccination, washing hands, and covering the mouth
when you cough or sneeze
Myth 3: Only the very young and very old are at risk of
having severe complications from pneumonia.
Fact: Though the elderly and the very young have the
highest risk of having severe pneumonia, any age group
can also develop severe form of pneumonia.
Myth 4. There is no prevention for pneumonia.
Fact: There are many ways to prevent pneumonia like:
pneumococcal vaccination to prevent pneumococcal
pneumonia, flu vaccination to prevent flu pneumonia,
covid vaccination to prevent severe covid pneumonia
Myth 5.You can have pneumonia from sweat drying on
your back.
Fact: Pneumonia is caused by organism (bacteria,
fungus, virus) and not by the sweat from your back. The
most common cause of pneumonia is streptococcus
pneumonia. Streptococcus pneumoniae is an invasive
and deadly bacteria that causes pneumonia and has
potential to migrate to your brain causing brain infection
called meningitis if ignored.