Like balmy zephyrs on a hot summer’s day, positive expect and when, can have life-changing impact on gestures of goodwill breathe life into our drab existence. When all we see around us are problems after problems, we miss out on the good things life has to offer. It takes a change of heart, a positive attitude and a renewed vigor to live to turn things around. But as we go on our journey and experience bitter realities, we become jaded and hardened by our difficult encounters. This leads us to be cynical and wary of a lot of things. We become miserable that leads us to depression and develop a negative outlook about life. Yet like water whose constant flow shapes rocks in a stream, unexpected acts of kindness can help change our perspective on things. What we least expect and when,can have life-changing impact on us. The act of the Good Samaritan in helping out someone in need, changed that person’s perspective of strangers. When we experience the same, it develops a positive energy in us that could flow out unto others. Good begets good, kindness begets kindness and positivity attracts more positive energy. When we get help when we least expect, we feel good and so does the one who lent a helping hand. This creates a positive atmosphere that could turn into a cycle of good as we are inspired to do good things to pay it forward. Just by a simple gesture of compassion we can alter the course of a jaded mindset.
and cynic. Christian teachings and beliefs highlight the virtues of kindness and charity. The idea of selfless/ unconditional love and sacrifice are at the core of our Christian faith. These values are anchored on solid rock and have been tried and tested over time. The Apostles became martyrs and eventually Saints because they were steadfast and stuck to their faith. They didn’t compromise their acts of kindness despite being mistreated for their beliefs. Their good deeds caused conversions in their jailers and tormentors, notable of whom was the great Apostle St. Paul who was Saul of Tarsus, a dreaded Christian persecutor in his former life. Thus as we go on our daily lives, let us be aware of what great things can be achieved by such simple gestures of kindness. Let us be conscious of how tokens of charity create positive impact and joy in another person which in turn can come back to us and we can pass on. We must also understand how these values play an integral part to our own happy existence and fulfillment.