Bohol Tribune

The Young Mind

By Fr. Roy Cimagala

Why do we always have to forgive?

Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise (CITE)

Talamban, Cebu City

MANY reasons can come to mind to answer that question. One is that Christ
himself said so. When asked by Peter how many times one should forgive, he stretched
to practically infinite times the suggestion of Peter of 7 times to 70 times 7.
On another occasion, Christ also said that we need to forgive others if we want to
be forgiven ourselves. “Forgive and you shall be forgiven,” he said (Lk 6,37) He
reiterated this injunction when he said: “For if you will forgive men their offences, your
heavenly Father will forgive you also your offences. But if you do not forgive men,
neither will your Father forgive you your offences.” (Mt 6,14-15)
It’s clear therefore that we can only be forgiven if we also forgive others. This
injunction is meant for everyone, and not only for a few whom we may consider to be
religiously inclined.
That’s also why he easily forgave the woman caught in adultery. And to those
whom he cured of their illnesses, it was actually the forgiveness of their sins that he was
more interested in.
To top it all, Christ allowed himself to die on the cross as a way to forgive all of
our sins, and to convert our sins through his resurrection as a way to our own
redemption. What he did for us he also expects, nay, commands that we also do for
everybody else.
If Christ can offer forgiveness to those who crucified him—and there can be no
worse evil than killing Christ who is God—why do we find it hard to offer forgiveness to
It is presumed that all of us sin one way or another. That’s why St. John said: “If
we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.” (1 Jn 1,8)
I am sure that our personal experiences can bear that out easily.
No matter how saintly we try ourselves to be, sin always manages to come in
because of our wounded humanity and the many temptations within and around us. As
St. John said, we have to contend with three main enemies: our own wounded flesh, the
devil and the world corrupted by our own sin.
But the most important reason why we should always forgive is, I believe, the fact
that forgiving others likens us with God, with Christ, who is the pattern of our humanity

and the savior of our damaged humanity. Forgiving is the ultimate act of love which is
the very essence of God and which is also intended for us since we are supposed to be
God’s image and likeness.
Thus, we have to learn to be forgiving always of others, no matter how
undeserving we feel they are of forgiveness. That’s how God forgave us. He took the
initiative. He offered forgiveness and continues to do so if only to bring us back to him.
The awareness of this truth should also help us to develop the attitude to forgive
one another as quickly as possible, since that is the only way we can learn to love.
When we find it hard to forgive others, it is a clear sign that we are full of ourselves, are
self-righteous, proud and vain.
We have to continually check on our attitude towards others because today’s
dominant culture is filled precisely by the viruses of self-righteousness, that feeling that
we are superior to others, etc. We have to do constant battle against that culture that
undermines our duty to be always forgiving.

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