Bohol Tribune

Medical Insider – Dr. Rhodora T. Entero


What to Do When You Chipped a Tooth(Part 1)We are starting with a new topic today and it is entitled, “What to Do When You Chipped a Tooth”.Imagine that you are spending time playing and biting ice inside your mouth when you suddently noticed that there is something hard that did not break down. That hard material can be your chipped tooth.Chipping a tooth can result from different instances – using your teeth to open packages, eating hard foods, playing some physical sports and being hit in the face or mouth, falling, etc. The enamel is the hardest part of your teeth but this can still be damaged because of tooth decay. Tooth decay aids in having your tooth fractured or chipped. Excessive teeth grinding also known as bruxism can also cause a chipped or cracked tooth. One (1) thing that you need to know is that chipped tooth can be very painful and can cause extreme discomfort especially to your tongue.Others may think that chipped tooth is a common condition and is not too serious. However, there is a chance that the damage caused by the chipped tooth could extend beyond the enamel resulting to infection and tooth loss. It your tooth hurts all the time especially when you bite or drink either cold or hot, it may have damaged a nerve or some blood vessels.Did you know that when you break a tooth and you still have the piece, it is possible to repair it using the chipped tooth? So, set a dental appointment and let your dentist evaluate. Can you are reduce injury until you see your dentist? Here are some of the things that you can do for your chipped tooth while at home and before seeing your dentist.• To help prevent infection and relieve pain, rinse your mouth with warm salt water.• When there is bleeding, apply pressure with clean gauze to the affected area. If this does not work, use a teabag to stop bleeding.• To reduce swelling, place and ice pack on your cheek where the chipped tooth is. Put a clean and thin cloth in between the ice pack and your face.• It is advisable to use a temporary dental cement on the chipped tooth if your dentist is not available yet.• When you chipped your tooth, it can be sharp that it might hurt your tongue or cheeks. Put sugarless gum or dental wax to the chipped tooth to keep it from cutting your tongue or the inside of your lip and cheek.• If you cannot tolerate the pain, take an over-the-counter medication such as acetaminophen. You may also apply clove oil to the painful gums to numb the area.• Consume soft foods. Avoid biting down on the broken tooth.• Use dental floss to remove food caught between your teeth. Food that stays between your teeth can add to the pressure of chewing.• While playing physical sports, use protective mouth guard. Do the same if you grind your teeth while sleeping. (To be continued)

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