For OCT 8, 2023
Joint Pains in Children
This symptom is a common reason for clinic visit among
the pediatric age group.
There are many reasons for joint pains in children and the
most common benign cause is growing pains.
In this group, children will usually complain of pain in the
afternoon or early evening and there is no associated
limping or change in gait. The pain is usually resolved
after rest including a soft massage.
Other causes of joint pains in children include:
- Pains of Bone tumors – the pain here is steady, boring
ache, worse at night and with overlying soft tissue
tenderness - Malignancy associated arthropathy – the joint pains
here are disproportionate to the objective findings; there is
nocturnal pain with limping in the morning; and the pain is
migratory in nature - Arthropathy of Rheumatic Fever – this is the most
common yet less specific; the pain is also migratory and is
affecting large joints; there is dramatic response upon
treatment with Aspirin; arthritis duration is less than 2
weeks - Septic Arthritis – this is most common in younger
children; the knee is most commonly affected followed by
the hip; with the joint pains, there is also fever, tenderness
and pseudoparalysis - Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis – here, there is arthritis of
more than 1 joint persisting for 6 weeks with an onset
before the age of 16 years. - Henoch Schonlein Purpura – there are joint pains here
plus palpable rashes, periarticular swelling and abdominal
pain. - Juvenile Dermatomyositis – in this condition, the joint
pains are associated with rashes, proximal and
symmetrical muscle weakness, difficulty in swallowing and
changes in voice - Systemic Lupus Erythematosus – this is
characterized by joint pains, malar rash, ulcers, fever,
fatigue and weight loss - Psoriatic Arthritis – the joint pains here are
accompanied with a rash, and nail changes. - Systemic Sclerosis – in this condition, one will
manifest a joint pain with skin tightness, sclerodactyly,
shortness of breath and Raynaud’s changes