Ni: Jes B. Tirol
Bagyubágyo 15, 2023
Ang Labíyaw ug Túbig
(Liquid and Water)
Ang pulong “labiyaw (liquid)” maoy usa ka pulong Binisayâ nga atò nang gibutang sa
kalimot. Ang kasarángan nga tawo nakahunâhunâ nga ang tubig mao usab ang labiyaw. Ang tubig,
usa lang ka matang sa kabútang (matter). Ang súkà ug álak dili kini sila tubig apan mga labiyaw
(liquid) sila.
Matod pa sa alamdag (science), ang kabutang adunay tulo ka mga húgna (phases). Adunay
tibugól (solid), adunay labiyaw (liquid), ug adunay ulóng (gas).
Ang atong tukibon karon mao ang labíyaw (liquid) tungod kay nadala ang atong pagtagad
sa tubig (water). Tungod kay ang Ininglis man gud mogamit sa pulong water sa mga butang nga adunay kalabotan sa tubig
Mao kini ang nakaangin nganong atong nataligam-an ang pulong labiyaw (liquid), tungod kay bisan tuod nagdala ang Ininglis sa pulong water, sagad ang Binisayâ lahî gayod nga pulong ang katumbas. Atò karong tukibon ang mga nagkalainláing lugpong sa tubig.
Mga pulong
1. water¹ (brackish water) – giwánon, lang-íg
2. water ² (coconut water) – butóng, túbig-butóng, túbig-lubí
3. water ³ (hard water; with impurities) – lang-íg
4. water ⁴ (liquid; H₂O) – túbig. Syn. labíyaw
5. water ⁵ (potable water) – táb-ang, túbig mainóm
6. water⁶ (pour water) – bûbó, bísbis, bisíbis. Syn. ípis
7. water balance (preservation of uniform water content or natural equilibrium) – ilíb sa túbig
8. water ballet (a performance by a group of swimmers moving in formation and with synchronized gestures) – tihintíhin sa túbig
9. water Bearer (zodiac Aquarius) – Tigság-ob
10. water beetle (any of several aquatic beetles) – abatód sa túbig
11. water bird (any bird living on or near the water; waterfowl) – lánggam sa túbig
12. water biscuit (biscuit made of flour, shortening, and water) – biskútsong tinubigan
13. water blister (a blister containing limpid watery matter) – lámto
14. waterborne¹ (floating on water) – naglutáw sa túbig
15. waterborne² (transported or carried by water) – naánod sa túbig
16. water boy (boy or man who supplies drinking water) – tigpainom og túbig
17. water brash (heartburn) – bídlì
18. water buffalo (kind of large, four-footed animal with horns; carabao) – kábaw, kalábaw
19. water canteen – sukî, túhob
20. water clock (clepsydra; an ancient clock drops of water) – taknaáng tinúlò sa túbig
21. water closet¹ (the bowl of a toilet) – inodoro (Sp.), inudúro (Sp.). Syn. kaúd-an
22. water closet² (toilet) – kalibángan, kasílyas (Sp), pansayán
23. watercock (a kind of freshwater dwelling bird with very large coxcomb)-tapáyan
24. watercolor (a color prepared for painting with water) – tubilók
25. water-cool (to cool by means of water) – gipabúgnaw sa túbig
26. water cooler (an apparatus for cooling and dispensing drinking water) – kurayán sa túbig
27. water course (wadi; canal-like land depression) – lagnasón. Syn. daganasán
28. watercraft (any boat or ship) – sakyanán sa túbig
29. water culture (hydroponics; aquiculture; science of raising plants in liquids) – pananóm-túbig
30. water cure (a kind of torture; huge bulk of water is forced into the throat) – punód sa tubig
31. water diviner (rhabdomancy) – pagbalád sa túbig. See: waterfinder; dowser; water witch
32. water dog (a dog that takes readily to the water) – áyam/ irô nga hílig sa túbig
33. watered (supplied with water) – tinubigán
34. watered down (diluted with water) – tinimbólan og túbig. Syn. tinibhóngan
35. waterfall (steep fall of water) – busáy, kawásan. Syn. bugwás
36. waterfinder (water diviner; a dowser who locates underground water) – balád sa túbig
37. water flea (any of numerous minute crustaceans the size of a flea) – bútko
38. water flow–dagáyday, kátdok
39. waterfowl (waterbird; a bird that lives on or about the water) – lánggam sa túbig
40. water, fresh¹ (potable water) – táb-ang
41. water, fresh² (potable but with some taste) – táyam
42. waterfront (a real property abutting a body of water) – lútaw. Syn. bigkì, támpi
43. water gall (partial rainbow) – sílom Syn bángaw
44. water gap (a deep ravine in a mountain ridge, giving passage to a stream) – biyawóng. Syn. wuwók
45. water gate (floodgate; a device that regulate the flow of water in a channel) – awasánan
46. water gauge (a gauge indicating the level of water, as in a tank) – takalán sa túbig
47. water glass (a drinking glass) – agudílà, báso (Sp.)
48. water hammer (the concussion of a moving mass of confined water) – pakáng sa túbig
49. water hazard (a pond filled with water as an obstacle in a golf course) – talágmang túbig.
50. water hole (a small depression with water for animal drinking) – lím-aw. Syn. básyaw, baganáw
51. water hyacinth (kind of aquatic plant) – kiyápò
52. water ice (a frozen dessert made with water, sugar, and fruit juice) – himagás nga batúnaw
53. watering (the act of one who or that which waters) – nagbisíbis. Syn. namûbô, nagbûbô
54. watering can (a container used for watering plants; sprinkling can) – ligadéra (Sp.)
55. watering place¹ (a place where water can be obtained, as a spring) – kab-anán, kawosanán
56. watering place² (health resort; spa) – tubód-ínit
57. water-jacket (a casing containing water and around a cylinder) – hál-op nga túbig
58. water jet (tubular spurt of liquid) – sílit, biyúngbiyóng
59. water jump¹ (a property of flowing water from laminar flow to turbulent flow) – lúkso-túbig
60. water jump² (water barrier to be crossed,
in steeplechase) – lápan
61. waterless¹ (dry) – malá, ugá. Syn. huláw, sandáw
62. waterless² (no water) – waláy túbig
63. water–level line (mark indicating the height reached by the water) – hábig, lagót, lutóp, tangkúlan
64. water lily (lotus) – líryo sa túbig Syn katúnggal, baliyúko. (See: lily)
65. water line (Plimsoll line) – lábo, tamâ
66. water-logged (saturated with water) – sudók. Syn. háwbò, hítak, túmog
67. waterloo (a final defeat) – katapósang kaparótan
68. water main (a large conduit for carrying water) – dakóng talayóng
69. waterman (boatman) – mamamángkà. Syn. bangkíro
70. watermark’ (an identifying mark in paper money) – nabnáb
71. watermark² (water-level line) – hábig, lagót
72. watermelon (a vine plant that grows in water) –pakwán, atimón, timón. Syn. bulugkóson
73. water meter (device to measure the volume of water passing through a pipe)-kuwentadór sa túbig
74. water mill (a mill operated by waterpower) – karapítsi sa túbig
75. water moccasin (a kind venomouse viper-snake) – magpûpô sa túbig
76. water motor (a turbine operated by waterpower; water wheel) – turbína sa túbig
77. water nymph (a nymph living in or guarding a body of water) – dalílang sa túbig
78. water on the brain (popular name for hydro-cephalus) – hálok
79. water ox (a water buffalo) – kábaw, kalábaw
80. water parting (watershed) – baganáw, lawán, tubigán
81. water pipe (a pipe or tube for conveying water) – túbo sa tubig
82. waterpistol (a toy pistol that squirts water) – pusil-púsil nga túbig
83. waterpower (the power of water from its momentum under pressure) – gahóm sa túbig
84. water pox (chicken pox) – hánggà. Syn. datî
85. waterproof (cannot be penetrated by water) – dìtáblan og túbig, dílì mahumód
86. water purslane (an aquatic plant growing in swampy ground) – ulasíman sa túbig
87. water rat (the muskrat) – katsulî
88. water-repellent (waterproof; textile resistant to being wet) – dílì mahumód. Syn. dìtáblan og túbig
89. water right (the right to draw or navigate upon a body of water) – katungód paggámit sa túbig
90. water-rot (to let rot in water) – palatâ sa túbig
91. waterscape (a view of a water scene) – talan-áwon nga adúnay túbig
92. water scorpion (any of the numerous scorpion-like insects) – saling-úwang
93. watershed (ground area that gathers the water; water parting) – baganáw, lawán, tubigán
94. water-sick (unproductive land for being over-irrigated) – sudók. Syn. háwbò
95. waterside (the water’s edge; the shore of a body of water) – píliw, támpì. Syn. báybay
96. water-ski (a ski used on the surface of a body of water) – íski (Sp.), íski sa túbig
97. water snake (any snake with aquatic habits) – hálas sa túbig
98. water-soak (soak in water) – túmog sa túbig
99. water softener (a substance to counteract the effect of its mineral content) – pagdalísay sa túbig
100. water-soluble (soluble in water) – matúnaw sa túbig
101. waterspout¹ (tornado at sea) – buluhaól, buháwì, buluháwi
102. waterspout² (tube for the discharge of water) – talayóng
103. water spring (gushing water) – tubód
104. water sprite (sprite living in the water) – ígkaw sa túbig
105. water supply (source of water for a community) – tinúbdan sa túbig
106. water system (river and its tributaries consi-dered as a hydraulic unit) – saúbay sa túbig
107. water table (the surface marking the upper level of a water-saturated zone underground until the end of the permeable strata) – lántag sa túbig abuábon
108. water tank – tangke sa túbig. Syn. biawán
109. watertight (no leakage) – kalapáti
110. water tower (tower of considerable height, used as reservoir for water distribution) – pantíng sa túbig. Syn. biawán
111. water vapor (vapor that is produced by heated water) – inalísngawng túbig
112. water vapor condensation – lágdò
113. water wave¹ (a wave of water) – balód sa túbig
114. water wave² (billow; a large wave) – bugabóng. Syn. súlyà
115. waterway (water route) – agiánan sa túbig
116. water wheel (water motor; a turbine operated by water power) – turbína sa túbig
117. water wings (inflatable device shaped like wings to help bodies to float) – palutáw pakò-pákò
118. water witch (water finder; one who claims to locate underground water) – balád sa túbig
119. water witching (rhabdomancy; dowsing; water divining) – pagbalád sa túbig
120. waterworks (a system of structures to furnish water to a city) – katalápaw sa túbig
121.terworn (worn smooth by running water) – nahámis sa túbig
122. watery (containing plenty of water) – tubígon. Syn. lasáw, layáw
123. waterzooi (fricassee; egg drop soup) – kaldíyo (Sp.)