Bohol Tribune

Medical Insider – Dr. Bryan Cepedoza


A Question & Answer Session
with Dr. Bryan Cepedoza

on Climate Change and Lung Diseases

(Part 4)

The Bohol Tribune (TBT): Dr. Bryan, the netizen’s
question last time was: If tremors and palpitations happen
to a patient as a result of the medicines taken for
bronchoconstrictions, is the patient supposed to stop
taking such medication?

Dr. Bryan Cepedoza: There are those who would
develop tolerance. This means that the patient, later on,
will not anymore experience such tremors and
palpitations. So he/she can continue with the medication.
However, if the patient can’t tolerate the bronchodilators,
then we change the medication. There are other options to
solve the concern.

The Bohol Tribune (TBT): That’s great! What are the
other diseases and illnesses caused by climate change?

Dr. Bryan Cepedoza: Aside from asthma, COPD could be
another disease caused by climate change.
The Bohol Tribune (TBT): What is COPD, Dr. Bryan?
Dr. Bryan Cepedoza: Like what I said before, COPD
refers to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. It refers
to a group of diseases that can cause airflow blockage
and breathing-related problems.
The Bohol Tribune (TBT): Please elaborate, Dr. Bryan?
Dr. Bryan Cepedoza: It includes emphysema and chronic
bronchitis. COPD makes breathing difficult. The study
done by McDermott-Levy et al and Sorensen et al, says
that “Climate change is expected to significantly impact
the mortality of COPD and asthma, primarily through its
effects on temperature”. The quality of the air we breathe
may cause chronic lung diseases. Moreover, if our
immune system becomes low, we become prone to
infection, especially our lungs. We become prone to
infection caused by bacteria/fungi which will make us a
good target for pneumonia.

The Bohol Tribune (TBT): Dr. Bryan, please explain the
relationship between the increase of asthma cases and
climate change?

Dr. Bryan Cepedoza: Okay. Have you noticed that
nowadays, our weather/climate changes very often? One
day, the sun shines brightly and suddenly, within that day,
the heavy rain falls. And before you would know it, a lot of
people already complain of fever and colds. We also
experience some moments of heavy rain followed by
immediate hot temperature. As a result, we have the
Particulate Matters (PM) also called Particle Pollution.
Particulate Matters are made up of particles (tiny pieces)
of solids or liquid that are in the air. These particles may
include dust, dirt, soot or smoke. With these particulate
matters in the environment, there is a big possibility that
they can enter into our airways as we breathe and this will
cause irritation in such airways. As situations like these
increase, and when particulate matters become
numerous, irritations of the airways also increase.
Modaghan gyud ang mag-ubo-ubo. Labi na kong init
kaayu, unya mokalit na pud ug uwan, unya init na pud,

musingaw jud ana ang gikan sa yuta. Mao nay
hinungdan sa mga allergens ubanan pa gyud sa mga
abog abog ug mga aso aso.

The Bohol Tribune (TBT): I wish to pick up from the
statements of our grandparents before. They used to say
this: “Ayaw mo pag-hanggab sa alisngaw sa yuta kay
usa na sa mga hinungdan sa hubak. Tinuod diay na
Dr. Bryan?” (To be continued)

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