Ni: Jes B. Tirol
Bagyubágyo 22, 2023
Mga Ngalan Sa Atong Langgam
Unang Bahin (First Part)
Sa dihâ pa ako sa ika-5 nga ang-ang sa tulunghaan (1957), nagsugod na ako og manirador o mang pintik og langgam. Sa pagkasunod tuig ang akong igsuon nipalit og debomba (airgun), ug maka-pamusil na ako sa lainglaing dapit sa Tagbilaran.
Niadtong panahona, ubay-ubáy pa ang mga matang sa langgam nga among makuha, hilabi na duol sa tugpahanan sa idro o sakhangin.
Ang dili gyod nakò malimtan nga akong nakuhà mao ang langgam nga wakwak, ang putì nga kabog, ug ang kab o kabilaw nga dakô kaayong kabog nga kansang dupa sa iyang pakô hapit na moabot sa duha (2) ka mitros.
Karong panahona nangaputol na ang mga kahoy ug ang mga batan-on karon dili na
makabágat sa daghang matang sa langgam.
Ang atong mga kapulongnan (dictionaries) adunay natalà nga nagkalainláin nga mga
ngalan sa langgam. Apan tungod kay mokabat sa 250 ka mga ngalan sa langgam, atò na kining
bahinon sa duha (2) o tulo (3) ka hugna. Atong unang ihatag ang Binisayà ug pagasundan sa
sugisayod sa Ininglis. Ania ang unang bahin:
Mga Ngalan sa Langgam
1 ababakúwa – Roadrunner bird. It moves by running and jumping. (Kp: tíkling).
2. abéstros – (Sp: avestruz). Ostrich; a kind of large flightless bird.
3. abúkay – White parrot. sc.n. cacatua haematuropygia.
4. abúnog – A kind of bird; a kind of large dove. (Kp: andô).
5. ágad sa amô-Guide-bird; a small black bird that guides a troop of monkeys in the forest. (Kp:
6. agák-ak– A kind of bird. See: sagáksak.
7. agík-ik – A kind of bird.
8. agilá-(Sp: agila). Eagle. Also, manaól.
9. agsíng – A kind of bird. It is a small black bird similar to the siloy or black shama but with a
patch of white color at the back.
10. agúl-ol-Same as tagúl-ol. A kind of bird.
11. alalágsin – A kind of bird.
12. albatrós – (Sp: albatros). Albatross; a kind of large, web-footed sea bird
13. alimúkon – The Philippines dove. Also, limúkon.
14. aliyákyak – Passerine bird.
15. amumúnggot– (b.p. púnggot). A kind of bird. sc.n. lanius schach nasutus.
16. anagúto-Orange-bellied flower pecker. A kind of bird that likes to peck on flowers. sc.n. dicaeum trigonostigma pallidius.
17. ananágsing – Richard’s pipit; a kind of bird.
18. ananákyod – A kind of small bird; wagtail. (Kp: kalamantígon).
19. andô – A kind of bird. It is a big bird that rests only in high trees. It has red feathers with a band of white feathers on the neck. (Kp: abúnog).
20. anggál – Birds with full fledged feathers already but cannot yet fly; fledgling. Also, píspis. (Kp: pan-ák).
21. anghilíw– The Philippine Robin bird. sc.n. copsychus mindanensis. It is a bird similar to the Black Shama or síloy.
22, angkalô – Widowed bird. A bird whose partner died. (Kp: bálo; báwo; biyúdo).
23. aninihól– (b.p. tihól). White-vented whistler bird. It has a whistling sound or tihól. sc.n.
24, antulíhaw – The yellow oriole bird. It usually has a black color at the nape. Also, damúdlaw;
25. anunudíp – Sea crow; sea raven. (Kp: úwak).
26. arák – The trogon bird.
27. badyáw – A kind of bird; golden oriole or loriot. [Derivative: salibádyaw = noisy like the birds.] (Kp: damúdlaw; antulíhaw).
28. bagáwngon – A kind of small bird.
29. baháw – A kind of bird. (Kp: kuwaháw).
30. bakâkâ – Stork-billed kingfisher. A kind of bird.
31. bakúlkol – A kind of small bird.
32. balagúkò – A kind of bird similar to the turtle-dove. The feet and beak are red, the plumage is green. (Kp: manátad; púnay; lúdman).
33. balalatók– The carpenter bird.
34. balalatós – A kind of parrot.
35. balangíyod – A kind of bird. Also, balangkíyod.
36. balangkíyod – A kind of bird. Also, balangiyod. (Kp: balihála).
37. balatók – A kind of bird resembling a jackdaw; woodpecker. Also, bátok.
38. baliála – Magpie; a kind of bird. Also, salingáw.
39. balihála – A kind of bird; flycatcher bird. sc.n. rhipidura javanica nigritorquis. (Kp:
40. balinsasayáw – Sparrow; a kind of small bird. Also, goriyón. (Kp: sayáw).
41. bálò – To be attacked by certain nocturnal birds. Also, báwò.
42. bálod – A kind of big dove; imperial pigeon.
43. bangkáwkò – A small nocturnal bird like the kuwaháw. Also, bangkawô; tangkawô.
44. bangkawô – A kind of nocturnal bird. See: bangkáwkò.
45. bangkíyod – Wagtail; Philippine Pied Fantail. A kind of bird.
46. banóg – Hawk; kite bird. sc.n. haliastur indus. (Kp: manaól).
47. bantán – A kind of bird.
48. bátok – Woodpecker bird. Also, balatók.
49. batúktok – Woodpecker bird.
50. bawák – Barn owl. Also, ngíwngiw; pungág.
51. bawd – A large bird similar to a dove. It perches in high trees. See: bawód.
52. bawód – A kind of dove-like bird. It is as large as a hen and perches in very high trees of the forest.
53. bugaóngon – The pied triller shrike bird. sc.n. lalage nigra nigra.
54. bugkóngon – A small beautiful bird with white color only at the tip of the feathers.
55. buhiók nga lánggam – (b.p. buhiók; lánggam). Bird of passage; migratory bird.
56. búkaw – Philippine hawk-owl. A kind of nocturnal bird and its sound.
57. buláy-og – Everett’s white eye. A kind of bird where the eyes are surrounded with white feathers.
58. búntog -. Quail bird. Also, púgo.
59. búon – A kind of very big wild dove. It is whitish in color.
60. butabúta – (b.p. butá). Swift. It is a kind of bird similar to a swallow. Also, sayáw.
61. buwitre – (Sp: buitre). Vulture. (Kp: kíkik; manaól).
62, kab – A kind of very large fruit bat. It has a wingspan of 1.5 meters. (Kp: kabóg; kabílaw).
63. kabiláw – A kind of bat or flying fox that is as large as a hen. (Kp: káb).
64. kabóg – Big bat; flying fox; a kind of flying mammal; chiropter.
65. kadáb– A kind of bird. See: kárab.
66. kaháw – A kind of nocturnal bird and the singing of that bird. (Kp: kuwáhaw).
67. kalamagón – (b.p. kámag). Night owl; nighthawk.
68. kalamantígon – A kind of bird. It is about 15 cm long, with white color at the underside, black
color at the upper side. It is very shifty.
69. kalangág – Parrot. (Kp: períko; kusí).
70. kalanggáman – (b.p. lánggam). Birds; avian; referring to birds in general.
71. kalaskás – A kind of nocturnal bird. It is so named because it produces a low sound kas-kas.
72. kaláw – The hornbill bird.
73. kálo – A kind of black bird with colored head.
74. kamansilís – A kind of bird.
75. kamantígol – A kind of bird. See: kalamaltígon.
76. kamasó-, Kind of white dove.
77. kamasuhán – A rooster or cock that looks like a dove.
78. kanáryo – (Sp: canario). Canary; a kind of small finch bird. It usually has varied colors.
79. kanáway – Seagull, a kind of bird.
80. kaól – A kind of bird. It lays eggs as big as those of a duck.
81. karáb – Moorhen; a kind of bird. sc.n. gallinula chloropus lozanoi.
82. kasbó – A kind of bird that generally grows and live in watery areas. sc.n. nycticorax caledomicus.
83. káskas – A kind of nocturnal bird that in some places, people are afraid of.
84. katála – A kind of white parrot with red beak.
85. kaw – Hornbill bird. Also, kaláw.
Pahimangnò: Sumpayan pa sunod pítlaw.