Bohol Tribune



Ni: Jes B. Tirol

Bagyubágyo 22, 2023


Ika-2 Bahin


Sakanhiayngapanahon, dinhisa Bohol, bagâ pa kaayoangkakahoyansaatongmga

lasang. Ugtungodniini, daghan pa angmgalanggamnagapuyosaatongpalibot.

Apankarongpanahona, nangahanawnaangangatongmgalasangdinhisa Bohol ug


Nihitnakaayongamakakitâkitasamgabanóg, uwák, manatad, kálaw, uguban pang mga

langgam. Busâatongtukibonangmgangalansaatongmgalanggamaronangmgabatan-on


ngakiningmaongmgalanggamnabuhidiaydinhisa Bohol.


1. bangkáwkò– A small nocturnal bird like the kuwaháw. Also, bangkawô; tangkawô.

2. bangkawô – A kind of nocturnal bird. See: bangkáwkò.

3. bangkíyod – Wagtail; Philippine Pied Fantail.

4. banóg – Hawk; kite bird. sc.n. haliastur indus.

5. bantán – A kind of bird.

6. bátok– Woodpecker bird. Also, balatók.

7. batuktok – Woodpecker bird.

8. bawák– Barn owl. Also, ngíwngiw; pungág.

9. bawd – A large bird similar to a dove. It perches in high trees. See: bawód.

10. bawód – A kind of dove-like bird. It is as large as a hen and perches in very high trees of

the forest.

11. bíbi – A kind of duck. It is usually brown in color; muscovy duck. (Kp: ítik).

12. bugaóngon – The pied triller shrike bird. sc.n. lalagenigranigra.

13. bugkóngon – A small beautiful bird with white color only at the tip of the feathers.

14. buhiókngalánggam – (b.p. buhiók; lánggam). Bird of passage; migratory bird.

15. búkaw – Philippine hawk-owl. A kind of nocturnal bird and its sound.

16. buláy-og – Everett’s white eye. The eyes are surrounded with white feathers.

17. búntog– Quail bird. Also, púgo.

18. búon-. A kind of very big wild dove. It is whitish in color.

19. butabúta – Swift. It is a kind of bird similar to a swallow. Also, sayáw.

20. buwítre – (Sp: buitre). Vulture. (Kp: kíkik; manaól).

21. kab – A kind of very large fruit bat. It has a wingspan of 1.5 meters.

22. kabiláw – A kind of bat or flying fox that is as large as a hen.

23. kabóg – Big bat; flying fox; a kind of flying mammal; chiropter.

24. kadáb – A kind of bird. See: kárab.

25. kaháw – A kind of nocturnal bird and the singing of that bird. (Kp: kuwáhaw).

26. kalamagón – Night owl; nighthawk.

27. kalamantígon – It is about 15 cm long; the underside is white and black at the upper side.

28. kalangág– Parrot. (Kp: períko; kusí).

29. kalanggáman – (b.p. lánggam). Birds; avian; referring to birds in general.

30. kalaskás – A nocturnal bird. It is so named because it produces a low sound kas-kas.

31, kaláw– The hornbill bird.

32. kálo – A kind of black bird with colored head.

33, kamansilís – A kind of bird.

34. kamantígol– A kind of bird. See: kalamaltígon.

35. kamasó– Kind of white dove.

36, kamasuhán– A rooster or cock that looks like a dove.

37. kanáryo– (Sp: canario). Canary; a kind of small finch bird. It usually has varied colors.

38. kanáway– Seagull, a kind of bird.

39. kaól– A kind of bird. It lays eggs as big as those of a duck.

40. karáb-Moorhen; a kind of bird. sc.n. gallinulachloropuslozanoi.

41. kasbó – A kind of bird that grows and live in watery areas. sc.n. nycticoraxcaledomicus.

42. káskas – A kind of nocturnal bird that in some places, people are afraid of.

43. katála– A kind of white parrot with red beak.

44. kaw-Hornbill bird. Also, kaláw.

45. káwkáw – Frogmouth bird. A kind of nocturnal bird whose call sounds like kawkaw.

46. kíkik – A kind of bird that utter a sound similar to kíkik. It is a nocturnal bird.

47. kíyaw – A kind of bird with long and slender legs. It is usually found in mangroves.

48. kúbol – Phoenix; a kind of mythical bird.

49. kúkok – The fantailed cuckoo. A kind of bird with reddish-brown color

50. kuduhí– A small bird. It has yellow and reddish feathers and flesh-colored eyes.

51. kuláhaw – A kind of nocturnal bird that looks like a crow or raven. Also, kuwaháw.

52. kulampisáw– Frigate bird. It is a large seabird. sc.n. fregataarielariel.

53. kulasísi– A green, small bird that is similar to a parrot; parakeet. Also, kulilísi.

54. kuligót– A kind of green bird similar to a parrot.

55. kuliháw– A bird: The loriot or golden oriole. Also, antulíhaw; damúdlaw.

56. kulílà– Female bird; hen birds.

57. kulilísi– A bird similar to a parrot. See: kulasísi.

58. kurukutók– White-eared brown dove; Zebra dove. sc.n. geopeliastriata.

59. kuruwákwak– White breasted waterhen.

60. kusí– Parrot. It is colored green and red. (Kp: períko).

61. kuwaknít– The common Rousette Fruit Bat. sc.n. rousettusamplexicaudatus.

62. kuwágò– The Philippine eagle owl.

63. kuwáhaw– Asian koel. A kind of nocturnal bird. Also, kulaháw; tutuháw.

64. kuyabóg– The young of any bird; birdling; nestling. (Kp: pisô).

65. kuyubóg– Chick of a bird. Also kuyabóg.

66. daamalúgan– A bird, which lives in lakes. It is also known as “blind hen”.

67. dalágdalág – A bird, like a big parrot of yellow color.

68. dalupápa– Cock; rooster; male bird. Also, sunóy; labúyò.

69. damúdlaw– Yellow oriole bird. See: antulíhaw.

70. dundúnay – A kind of wild dove with excellent black color with some green tinge.

Pahimangnô: Sumpayan pa.

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