Ni: Jes B. Tirol
Panglot nga Diyútay 5, 2023
Mga Ngalan Sa Atong Langgam
Ika-3 Bahin
Ang atong mga langgam adunay mga gagmay kaayo ug dagkò kaayo. Ang tipúli (monkey
eating eagle) maoy giila nga kinadak-an nga manaól (eagle) sa tibuok kalibutan.
Aduna usab kitay mga gagmay nga mga langgam nga ang usa kanila maoy kinaham sa mga
mag-aawit niining mga pulonga, “May langgam pulahon og dughan. Gutiay dili madákpan..
Ang pulong “gutiay” maoy karaan nga binisayà sa small o tiny sa Ininglis. Ang langgam
nga gamay nga pulahon og dughan, mao ang “tagtag”. Ang kadák-on sa tagtag manga usa ka bukó
(one inch) ang katas-on gikan sa tumoy sa sungó hangtod sa tumoy sa íkog.
Dinhi sa Dakbayan sa Tagbilaran, ang hulagway sa pula sa dughan sa tagtag, sama gayod
sa kasingkasing. Atong padayonon ang pagtálà sa mga ngalan sa mga langgam.
Mga Ngalan
1. gáas – A kind of very small bird.
2.gabót – A bird predominantly found in the mountains of Samar. Its voice is strange and its size is more or less like a chicken.
3.gakít – The Philippines mallard; a kind of wild duck. It has brown color. sc.n. anas luzonica.
4.galansíyang – A kind of black bird. See: gansiyang.
5.giáw – A kind of bird that is a bee eater.
6.gitgít – Swallow, a kind of small bird. (Kp: it-ít). sc.n. artamus leucorhynchus.
7.guligulî – A kind of small bird with sweet singing voice. (Kp: síloy).
8.gút-ob – A kind of owl. (Kp: ngiwngiw).
9.hagulíla – A kind of small bird.
10. haminlón – A kind of bird that looks like a dove. It is gray or somewhat black in color.
11. hánsà – (Skt: hansa = swan). Swan; a kind of large long-necked aquatic bird. See: gángsà.
12. hubúyhubóy – A kind of small bird that lives in the field.
13. huláwhuláw – A kind of bird.
14. huwakpáw – A forest nocturnal bird with face like a cat. (Kp: ngíwngiw).
15, ilíng-Baldhead starling. A kind of black bird that is bald at the head.
16. ítik-Duck, a kind of bird.
17. ít-it-1. Swallow; a kind of bird. Also, gítgit. (Kp: sayáw; butabúta). 2. Cliff swallow
18. iyák-iyák– Barred gray bird. A kind of bird. sc.n. coracina striata.
19, ládo – Turtledove. A kind of wild dove. Also, lúdman.
20. lagíng-A kind of small bird similar to a parrot. It has a red color.
21. lámgam – General term for birds. Also, langgam, which is the most common term used.
22. lánggam – General term for bird. Also, lámgam.
23. lánggam sa tahománan – (b.p. lánggam; tahománan). Bird of paradise; a tropical bird known for its beauty
24. lánggam sa túbig – (b.p. lánggam; túbig). Water bird; waterfowl.
25. lansíyang-Glossy Black starling. A kind of black bird. See: gansiyang. sc.n. aplonis panayensis.
26. lápan – A kind of bird. It is ash colored and similar to a heron.
27. likwán – A kind of very small bird.
28. limúkon – The Philippines dove. Also, alimúkon.
29. lúkgaw – The slender-billed cuckoo dove. sc.n. macropygia phasianella.
30. lúdman-Turtledove; a kind of dove. Also, ládo.
31. lumayángam-Flock or drove of birds, bees, etc. (Kp: panón; hút-ong; ganayan).
32. lútgot – A kind of bird that is very small. (Kp: pirot; támsi).
33. magák – A kind of bird. Marsh snipe bird. sc.n. gallinago megala.
34. malatábon – (b.p. tábon). Bittern; a kind of wading bird similar to a heron.
35. manáging – A kind of bird. Blue-headed racket-tailed parrot. sc.n. prioniturus discurus.
36. manalángkil – (b.p. sangkil). Bird of prey, raptor. (Kp: mananángkil).
37. mananángkil – (b.p. sangkil). A bird of prey; raptor. Also, manalángkil. (Kp: mambád).
38. manangbílag – A kind of bird.
39. manangkíton – A kind of small bird. It usually attacks the chicks of hens.
40. manaól – Eagle. Also, agilá. Manaól is the Bisayan term while agila is from Spanish.
41. manátad – The Philippines green-ground pigeon.
42. mangansíli – A kind of bird. It is similar to a crow but with long legs and lives near the shoreline.
43. mánghoy – A kind of small bird. It has a black beak and ash-gray breast.
44. manhák – A kind of marsh dwelling bird.
45. manlák – A kind of bird.
46. mánlom – A kind of bird.
47. manóki – (b.p. Malayan: manok- chicken). Chicken.
48. mansól – A kind of eagle. (Kp: manaól).
49. máya – Chestnut mannikin. A small bird with reddish body feathers with white color at the tip of the beak.
50. máya nga bungól – Literally “a deaf chestnut mannikin bird”. It’s lighter in color with white tuff at the ears
51. miáw – A kind of bird. It usually lives in beaches or mangroves. Also, miyáw.
52. mingók – Giant scop’s owl.
53. mitsáw – A kind of small bird.
54. miyáw – A kind of bird. See: miáw.
55. muyawpúyaw – A bird or hen that put their eggs in the first hole they encounter. (Kp: mangítlog).
56. ngíwngiw – 1. Owl; a kind of nocturnal bird. (Kp: báwak; mingók). 2. Grass owl. sc.n. tyto capensis.
57. págo – Chinese maya. Kind of small brownish bird about 5 cm long. They live in bushes. (Kp: máya).
58. pamalantígon – A kind of bird. It is as large as a young pigeon and sings very well.
59. pan-ák – A large bird that is similar to a domestic duck. It is green in color. It has wings, but it could not fly.
60. pangantígon – A kind of bird. It has black plumage but white at the breast.
61. patí – Dove. Also, salampáti.
62. páto–(Sp: pato= duck). Goose; gander; geese. Also, gánsà; gángsà. (Kp: ítik).
63. patók – A kind of small bird.
64. períko – (Sp: perico = parakeet). The green parrot. Also, kusí.
65. píkdót – 1. A kind of very small grass bird. See: pírot. 2. Titmouse; a kind of a very small bird.
66. pinggíno – (Eng: penguin). Penguin; a kind of flightless aquatic bird living in the southern hemisphere.
67. pírot – A 3 cm small grass bird. Its chirping sounds like “ti-tu-rit”. Also, píkdot. sc.n. megalurus gramineus
68. píspis – Young bird that could not fly yet; fledgling. Also, anggál. (Kp: kuyabóg).
69. pitáw – A kind of small bird. It has long legs and yellow beak. It likes to eat rice.
70. pitpitáw – A kind of small bird. It is similar to a swift.
71. piyúgo – A kind of small bird similar to a quail. (Kp: púgo; búntog).
72. puáw – A kind of yellow bird with splotches. It has a large beak.
73. púkpok – A kind of bird; coppersmith barbit.
74. pukpuláw – Oriole; yellow-bird. Also, antulíhaw, damúdlaw.
75. púdngan – Yellow-breasted fruit dove, which is a kind of bird. sc.n. ptilinopus occipitalis.
76. púgo-Quail bird. Also, búntog.
77. púlok – The fighting of birds against other birds. (Kp: sábong; lábok).
78. púnay – The Philippines green dove. sc.n. dendrophasa axillaris.
79. pungág– A barn owl. (Kp: bawák; ngiwngíw).
80. pungás – A fowl or bird without a crest or coxcomb. (Kp: pinásngan).