Bohol Tribune

Medical Insider – Dr. Bryan Cepedoza


A Question & Answer Session
with Dr. Bryan Cepedoza

on Climate Change and Lung Diseases

(Part 6)

The Bohol Tribune (TBT): Here is another question from
a radio listener, Dr. Bryan. Is asthma caused by some
form of allergy? Or can climate change cause allergy?

Dr. Bryan Cepedoza: Climate change cannot cause
allergies. We have to remember that when there is climate
change, the weather changes from warm to cold and from
very warm to very cold. There are plants that love to grow
during the cold weather and there are also plants that
grow during the warm weather. So plants bloom according
to the weather they want and need. As they bloom, the
pollens increase in number. The pollens are what cause
allergies. There is asthma that is triggered by allergies due

to pollens. And if there are lots of pollens, there are lots of
triggering factors for asthma in the environment. It is not
global climate change that totally causes allergies!

The Bohol Tribune (TBT): So pollens could cause
asthma, Dr. Bryan?

Dr. Bryan Cepedoza: Many people with asthma would
say that their asthma attack would worse when they’re
around allergens (the things that give them an allergic
reaction). Common allergens include pollens.

The Bohol Tribune (TBT): So what can we do to protect
ourselves from pollen asthma?

Dr. Bryan Cepedoza: We have some tips to protect
ourselves from pollen asthma. One is to stay inside when
pollen counts are high. We also have to keep the windows
closed. We can also control indoor humidity, We have to
keep our room, bathroom and kitchen clean – every part of
the house ought to be clean. We can minimize our outdoor
activities, too,

The Bohol Tribune (TBT): Can a person be cured of
pollen asthma?

Dr. Bryan Cepedoza: One can control the symptoms and
can take care to control the environment by avoiding an
asthma attack. (To be continued)

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