Spinal Cord Injury
(Part 1)
We now talk about the Spinal Cord Injury.
What are the common causes of spinal cord injury?
These are: Motor Vehicle Accidents, Sports Injuries,
Industrial Accidents, Acts of Violence (Gunshot or Knife
Wound), Falling From a Significant Height, Severe
Twisting of the Middle Portion of the Torso, Polio
Alcohol, and If the spine is weak because of another
condition, such as arthritis, minor injuries can cause
spinal trauma.
What are the Classifications of Spinal Cord Injury?
Spinal Cord Injury may be classified into: Complete
Spinal Cord Injury – where there is permanent damage
to the area of the spinal cord that is affected; Incomplete
Spinal Cord Injury – where there is partial damage to the
spinal cord and where the ability to move and the
amount of feeling depends on the area of the spine
injured and the severity of the injury.
What are the Levels of Spinal Cord Injury? There are
basically four levels of spinal cord injury:
- Cervical Spinal Cord Injury – where the head and
neck region above the shoulders are affected - Thoracic Spinal Cord Injury – where the upper
chest, mid-back, and abdominal muscles are
affected - Lumbar Spinal Cord Injury – where the hips and
legs are affected - Sacral Spinal Cord Injury – where the hips, back of
the thighs, buttocks, and pelvic organs are affected
What are the Symptoms when one has spinal chord
injury? The symptoms include the following: Headache,
pain, pressure & stiffness in the back or neck area;
Problems in Walking; Feelings of spreading numbness
or tingling in the extremities; Loss of control of the
bladder or bowels; Inability to move the arms or legs;
Signs of shock; Unnatural positioning of the head;
Inability to totally move the body; and Unconsciousness.
(To be continued)