Ni: Jes B. Tirol
Panglot nga Diyútay 12, 2023
Mga Ngalan Sa Atong Langgam
Ika-4 Kataposanng Bahin
Kun magsalápok (bird-fight) ang langgam nga ít-ít (swallow bird) batok sa manaól (eagle) o dili ba hinuon batok sa banóg (hawk), kinsa sa imong pagtuo ang modaóg?
Hapit tanan ang motubag nga ang manaól o banóg ang modaóg sa salápok tungod kay gamay ra kaayo ang ít-it kun itandì sa manaól o banóg. Kun mao kini ang imong tubág, nagpailá lang kanâ nga walâ masayod sa kinaíya sa atong mga langgam.
Sa pagkatinuod ang ít-it ang modaóg. Ang manaól o dili ba ang banog, hinay molupad og maapsan sila sa ít-it nga anhà moagi sa likod sa manaól ug iyang tuhakón ang ulo ug mata sa manaól. Dilì makahibaló ang manaól kon hain ra ang it-it ug molayas na lang ang manaól.
Kadaghan na ako makakita sa maong hitabo nga ang banóg mosiyagit na lang og molayas pahilayò sa ít-it.
Atong tukibon karon ang dukang mga ngalan sa atong mga langgam.
Ngalan sa mga langgam:
194. ananangkíl – 1. The sparrow hawk; falcon. sc.n. falco nisus. Also, anananggíl. 2. Oriental
Hobby Falcon. sc.n. falco severus.
195. sab-án – Honey guide small bird said to guide a person to a nest of wild bees.
196. sáksak – A kind of bird. See: sagáksak.
197. sagáksak – A bird about 15 cm. long, whitish in color with black stripes at the wings. sc.n. lalagi negra.
198. sagúksok – A kind of bird. See: sagáksak
199. salák – 1. A kind of bird similar to a partridge; partridge. 2. Dollarbird.
200. salaló – A kind of bird. The color of its feathers or plumage is beautiful blue.
201. salampáti – Dove, especially the domesticated dove. Also, patí. (Kp: limúkon).
202. salampáting madumdúmon – (b.p. salampáti; dúmdom). Carrier pigeon; homing pigeon.
203. sál-ing – Baldhead starling. A kind of black bird that is bald on the head. sc.n. sarcops calvus Also. ilíng.
204. salingáw – The magpie bird.
205. sayáw – 1. Swift; a kind of small bird. Also, butabúta. (Kp: ít-it). 2. Martin; a kind of swallow
bird whose tail is less fork.
206. sigínya– (Sp: Cigueña). Stork; a kind of bird related to the heron.
207. síloy – Black shama; cock shama. A kind of bird. It is a small black bird.
208. silungsílong – A kind of bird.
209. sinít – A kind of small bird that hang its nest inside a house or sometimes at trees.
210. sunhián – The green colored ground pigeon. Also, manátad.
211. tabálas – A kind of bird. See: tibálas.
212. tábon – Heron; egret; a white bird with long neck. Also, tábong; talábon. sc.n. megapodius
213. tagkálo – A kind of bird. See: tangkalô.
214. tagmayá – Philippine bulbul bird. A kind of bird similar to the tagúl-ol.
215. tágtag – Red-breasted pitta bird.
216. tagúl-ol – The Yellow vented bulbul bird.
217. találak – White-billed hornbill; Mindanao wrinkled hornbill. sc.n. aceros leucocephalus.
218. talingtíng – A kind of bird found in shorelines especially during low tide. It is brown in color with slender legs and elongated beak.
219. talingtíngon – A kind of bird. It is medium size and long-legged and found in tidal flats.
220. talúsi – A kind of bird similar to the hornbill bird; Bisayan hornbill. Also, táwsi. (Kp: kaláw).
221. támsi – The tailor bird; flowerpecker bird.
222. tangkalô – Nightjar bird. A kind of nocturnal bird.
223. tangkugí -. A kind of small bird that usually sings during the planting season.
224. tapáyan – The watercock bird. It is similar in size to a hen but its coxcomb or crest is big and very prominent.
225. tawáti – A kind of bird.
226. táwsa – A kind of bird.
227. táwsi – A kind of bird similar to hornbill bird; Bisayan hornbill. Also, talúsi.
228. tibálas – Schach shrike. A kind of bird. It is similar to a thrush bird.
229. tibäs¹ – A kind of bird. See: tibálas.
230. tíbsok – Philippine Common Grass bird. A kind of bird. Also, tibúgsok.
231. tibúgsok – A kind of bird. It is colored brown. It perches on top of a tree and dives to catch a prey on the ground. Also, tíbsok.
232. tikaról – The kingfisher bird; halcyon. Also, tingkaról.
233. tíkling – A kind of roadrunner bird.
234. tikúgas – The white-breasted swamp hen. It is a kind of bird. sc.n. amaurornis phoenicurus.
235. tíkwì – The Philippine Serpent eagle. It is a large bird of prey with dark-brown feathers with tiny white spots.
236. tighíd – A kind of bird.
237. tigí – A kind of bird.
238. tig–imód sa lánggam – (b.p. imód; lánggam). Bird watcher.
239. tígsò – A kind of bird that looks like a chick. It inhabits wet places and rivers.
240. tingkalô – A kind of small nocturnal bird. It produces a strange shrieking sound.
241. tingkawô – A kind of nocturnal bird. See; tingkalô.
242. tínghoy – A kind of bird.
243. tipúli – The Monkey-eating eagle. The declared national bird of the Philippines. sc.n.pithecophaga jefferyi.
244. tiyutíyo – A kind of bird. Its chirping sounds like “tiyútiyó”.
245. túkmo – A kind of wild pigeon with brownish color; the Philippine turtledove.
246. tuktór – Nightjar bird. It is a nocturnal bird. Also, tangkalô, tangkawô.
247. tulíhaw – Golden oriole bird. Also, antulíhaw.
248. tumís – A kind of bird. Its color is white and red.
249. tútot – A kind of bird.
250, tutuháw – A kind of nocturnal bird. It is similar to a crow. Also, kuwáhaw.
251. tuwadtúwad – 1. A kind of bird that keeps on shaking its head, especially downward. 2. Wren bird.
252. úwak – Crow, especially the slender-billed crow; raven; corbie. sc.n. corvus enca.
253. uwakbátà – White-throated kingfisher. A species of king-fisher bird
254. wákwak – A kind of nocturnal bird. Its color is grayish-black with tiny white spots.
255. wáwha – A kind of forest bird whose face is like an owl.