Ni: Jes B. Tirol
Panglot nga Diyútay 19, 2023
Mga Lugpong Sa Tugaw sa Wantag
(Terms for atmosphere disturbance)
Ang mga Bisayâ sukad pa sa kanhiay nga panahon, naila sa sa pagkasakayánon ug sa
pagkamag-uúma. Tungod niini, ang mga Bisayâ aduna nay daghang mga lugpong (terms) sa
nagkalainláing kahimtang sa wantág (atmosphere).
Atong tukibon karon ang mga Sinugboánong Binisayâ sa mga lugpong sa wantág.
Matang Sa Mga Pulog sa Hangin
(Kinds of Wind Forces)
Sa kanhiay nga panahon mahinungdanon kaayo nga mahibalo ang sakayanon (sailor)
unsa kakusgon ang hangin nga modapat. Busà ania ang sukod sa hangin.
1. Huyúhoy — Breeze
2. Hubáy — Very, very weak wind
3. Hutúhot — Very weak wind
4. Tanát — Weak wind; light wind
5. Talanáy — Moderate wind
6. Hulupúhop — Brisk wind
7. Kudlón — Strong wind (cause trees to bend and sound)
8. Aguhós — Furious wind
Mga Pungway/ Sugisayod sa Hangin
(Adjectives/Descriptions for Winds)
1. Huyóp sa hangin – Blowing of wind
2. Hurós – Gust of wind
3. Alasagás – Continuous wind
4. Bulagáit – Buzzing sound of gust of wind
5. Púypoy – Lessening of wind force
6. Hupáy – Calming of wind
7. Lumpáy – Wind becoming constant and regular
8. Tampi-ók – Contrary wind for sailing
Mga Lugpong sa Panahon
(Weather Terms)
1. Abóng – Expose to
2. Agdóm – Darkening due to bad weather; low pressure
3. Agiánan – Path; direction
4. Alimuot – Suffocating weather
5. Alinsúob – Temperature
6. As-ás – Orbit of heavenly body
7. Bagyo – Typhoon
8. Bahâ – Strong flow of water
9. Buhatán sa Panahón – Weather Bureau
10. Dagpak sa yutà – Landfall, as tyhoon
11. Dahilì; anás – Landslide with sliding soil
12. Daotáng panahón – Bad weather
13. Dapít pagtágbò sa kaalindangáan – Inter-tropical convergent zone
14. Dúm-ol-Signal (call the attention)
15. Dúm-ol sa bagyo isip usa, duha.. – Typhoon signal No. 1, No.2…
16. Gan-ód – Moving clouds
17. Igang – Warm weather
18. Kaalindangáan – Tropical zone
19. Kugmót – Depression; tropical depression
20. Kúray – Frozen
21. Kusóg – Strength
22. Lagsík – Fast; brisk
23. Láka – Landslide with large block split and slide
24. Limbo – Climate
25. Lunop – Inundation; rise of water without flow
26. Luyúgoy – Bad weather; threatening of storm
27. Múlat – Darkening atmosphere
28. Panahon — Weather
29. Pangánod – Cloud
30. Paniidnahón – Observatory
31. Pasidaán – warning; advice to be wary
32. Pasidaán sa Tampurók – Gale warning
33. Pasidán-an – warn, notify
34. Pulílid – Veer (turn in a direction)
35. Pulóg – Force (energy)
36. Salímbong – Alee; sheltered side
37. Síbwà –Tail end of cold front
38. Subóg – Monsoon
39. Súgok; súnlok – Storm surge
40. Sukodínit – Thermometer
41. Tahô sa Panahón – Weather report
42. Tampúrok – Gale; strong wind lesser than storm
43. Tilimád-on – Symptom; omen
44. Timáan – Sign; marker
45. Tumpag – Landslide with large portion toppled
46. Unós– Storm
47. Wantág – Atmosphere