Garrey is Dr. Ria’s walking TROPHY
On October 8, 2000, a cute little boy was delivered
via caesarian section at 9:04 in the morning at the
Ramiro Community Hospital. He was very fragile at
6.2 lbs and with a good APGAR score. His daddy,
Gary Maslog, named the baby “Garrey” taking the
first syllable of his dad’s name (GAR-y) and his
mom’s name (REY-a or RIA Pinlac). Since birth until
today, the boy has been called “GM” which is the
shorter version of Garrey Maslog.
Garrey grew up surrounded by much care and love
from his family especially from his grandparents:
Engr. Nilo Curso Maslog and Thelma Perez
Maslog (father side); and Engr. Teodulo Jubac
Pinlac and Lourdes Baquial Pinlac (mother side).
Both sides instilled in him the values of charity,
humility and love of God and Mother Mary.
He finished his elementary studies and Junior High
School at Holy Spirit School of Tagbilaran City and
his Senior High School at Holy Name University of
this City, too. These schools helped in the molding
of GM to be an upright and respectful person. His
talent for music was further developed as he joined
many choir groups like the Himig Diwa of HNU and
the Sollemnis Choir of Ubujan which is spearheded
by Sir Marcelo Jandugan and Jay Jimenez.
He finished Bachelor of Science in Nursing from
Holy Name University of Tagbilaran City belonging
to the batch called “The Paragons of Roy”. The
members of this batch have been truly guided by
their clinical advisers, not only to be fully equipped
intellectually as Nurses, but more so, to be
cognizant of the fact that their role in life is to serve
the sick and the needy with love and dedication like
Florence Nightingale.
As a son of a single mother (parent) since he was in
grade 5, GM’s success in the 2023 Licensure
Examination for Nurses is worth it all. His mother,
the very vibrant, articulate, intelligent, loving and
generous pediatrician DR RIA PINLAC-MASLOG
says, “Garrey is my walking trophy”. With tears
flowing down her face when Garrey passed the
exams, Dr Ria further said: “I thank all of you for the
support you have given me in our journey. Thank
you for sharing your joy with me and Garrey as we
celebrate this gift of wisdom and service from the
Lord. Yes, To God bel the Glory and Mama Mary
loves us all.”

Garrey, the musical artist

Garrey receiving his certificate as a young graduate.

Dr. Ria; her husband, the late Gary Maslog and baby Garrey

Garrey Pinlac Maslog, the full-fledged nurse and his mom, Dr. Ria Pinlac-Maslog.

Garrey and his mom