A Question & Answer Session
with Dr. Bryan Cepedoza
on Occupational Hazards
(Part 1)
The Bohol Tribune (TBT): You have done, Dr. Bryan, an
extensive discussion on Climate Change and Lung
Diseases. Let us start with a new topic today. Will you
please enlighten us on the subject matter: Occupational
Hazards Affecting the Health Condition of Our Workers?”
First of all, what is meant by the term occupational
Dr. Bryan Cepedoza: This is another interesting topic to
be discussed. Books will tell us that “Occupational hazards
are risks associated with working in specific occupations.”
An association has described categories of occupational
hazards into: physical safety hazards, chemical hazards,
biological hazards, physical hazards, and ergonomic risk
factors. So, occupational hazards are conditions that
surround the working environment of an employee or
worker and this environment can increase the probability
of death, disability, or illness to such worker. In simpler
terms, it is a possibility of a risk or danger that is
connected to the job of the worker
The Bohol Tribune (TBT): So, what are some of the
hazards in the workplace?
Dr. Bryan Cepedoza: There are hazards in the
workplace that are very common. When one is working in
confined spaces, this is already a hazard. Another
example is fire. Electrical connections could also be a
hazard. Some other examples include: chemical hazards,
trips, falls, biological hazards, and physical hazards
The Bohol Tribune (TBT): How can occupational
hazards affect our health?
Dr. Bryan Cepedoza: I will give you some illustrations.
You need fresh air in working. But, if your working
environment is giving you suffocation, that is already a
form of hazard. Everybody wants to drink water. If such
water is unsafe and contaminated, it could be hazardous
to your health. Moreover, if your water is not enough for
washing, for taking a bath, and for cleaning your
surroundings, this could also affect your health condition.
You need to work in a clean area. If your working
environment does not have the proper sanitation and
hygiene. This could become a risk to your health.
Improper healthcare at work, improper waste management
at work, improper disposal of waste at word contribute to
the danger in one’s occupation.
The Bohol Tribune (TBT): How do these occupational
hazards affect the worker, the community?
Dr. Bryan Cepedoza: There are big impacts of these
hazards on the individual and on society. Resarch shows
that risks and hazards can increase the occupational
diseases, work accidents, work-related health problems,
disability and unfitness. They also cause other new
problems (To be continued)