Bohol Tribune

Medical Insider – Dr. Ria P. Maslog


The Painful Scrotum

The most common cause of a painful scrotum is idiopathic scrotal edema and most likely due to insect bites or contact with irritants that may produce allergic reactions. 
The scrotum may appear edematous that may involve the prepuce and the perineum that will appear inkish or reddish. 

Other causes are:
1. Torsion of the testis
– this is an emergency condition because of the possibility of testicular necrosis from the twisting of the spermatic artery
– there is scrotal pain and may be associated with fever, referred pain to the abdomen and vomiting and some may be in a shock- like state

2. Torsion of an appendix testis
– this condition usually involves the hydatid of Morgagni and is suspected when a localized tender swelling in the upper pole of the testis occurs
– no surgical intervention is necessary unless testicular torsion is highly considered

3. Epididymo- orchitis
– rare in childhood
– more common in adolescent with sexual adventurism
– may be secondary to urinary tract infection, instrumentation or generalized sepsis

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