While it is easy to say the words move on, rise up and move forward after a heartbreaking experience, it isn’t actually so.
People need time to grieve, mourn and to ponder on their fate before picking up the pieces together. Gathering strength back after failing miserably takes a lot of courage and determination.
Rising above oneself requires fortitude and self-discipline. It is not for the faint of heart to drag ourselves out of the mud and the quagmire we are in, back into the mainstream.
Depression is real and some do not recover, eventually falling off the edge with fatal consequences.We see people who seem to have everything and nothing to fret about, yet, end up losing their lives.
While we all aspire to be happy, we often find ourselves in misery. We become the worst of us and suffer a downward spiral into depths we could never have imagined.
This is the reality of life that we are not helpless to do something about. How we face our problems depends on how much positivity we can muster to counter the negativity that confronts us.
Positive vibes attract good karma, essential to our well-being and self-worth. When we gain confidence and love ourselves, our lives cease to be unhappy and depressing.
A healthy attitude towards life takes the blues away. We become channels of positivity that attract positive forces to come our way. And when our lives attract all things positive, we become happy and fulfilled.
Thus it is important to go through life with a cheerful smile. We must not allow our problems to get in the way of a better day. We must strive to be healthy, both physically and mentally.
We must climb our mountains and ford every stream patiently and perseveringly. When hope seems lost we must not give up and take inspiration from Job in the Bible, who had everything taken away from him only to be restored multiple-fold in a test of faith.
The year has just started and we expect many challenges to come our way. Be prepared, be strong and be positive.
Faith can move mountains!