Bohol Tribune

Medical Insider – Dr. Bryan Cepedoza


Occupational Hazards 


The Bohol Tribune (TBT):  Dr. Bryan, in our discussion of water as an occupational hazard last week, you told us that based on studies and research, the stages in drowning are: 1) the struggle to keep the airway clear of the water, 2) initial submersion and breath-holding, 3) aspiration of water, 4) unconsciousness, 5) cardio-respiratory arrest and 6)death – inability to revive

Dr. Bryan Cepedoza:  Yes, We also have to know some first aid techniques to save the drowning person. These include the following: 1) With the use of the hand on the forehead, pinch the casualty’s nose with your finger and thumb, and allow the person’s mouth to fall open; 2) next is for you to take a breath and to put your lips around the person’s mouth, forming a seal. Once done. You have to blow into the person’s mouth until the chest rises. Follow by beginning chest compressions

The Bohol Tribune (TBT):  What else, please, Dr. Bryan?

Dr. Bryan Cepedoza:  Moreover, follow what is being advised by life savers: 1. Get help and notify a lifeguard; 2) Move the person involved out of the water. Do this quickly and safely; 3)Then, find out if the person is conscious. You have to shout to get a response; 4) If the person is unresponsive, place him on his back on a flat and strong place; 5) then start with your CPR

The Bohol Tribune (TBT):  That is very helpful and informative 

Dr. Bryan Cepedoza:  Here’s something more. If you notice that someone is drowning, you have to throw a flotation device like a life jacket or a strong floating balloon to the person. Otherwise, you can also extend a long pole that will be beld by the drowning person while waiting for him to be pulled out of the water towards the dry land. Once he is already on dry land, you can start with what I told you earlier: the resuscitation/CPR if there is no spontaneous breathing or pulse. Keep the head and neck very still in case of spinal, neck, or head injuries.

The Bohol Tribune (TBT):  Among all these tips, what is the priority step to be taken?

Dr. Bryan Cepedoza:  Your priority is to get the drowning person out of the water as early as possible. 

The Bohol Tribune (TBT):  If we feel that the drowning person has drunk a lot of water inside the body, what is supposed to be done to expel it? 

Dr. Bryan Cepedoza:  There is such a thing as the Heimlich maneuver. This technique will take the water out of the body since the drowning person is going to expels aspirated water, vomit it, including other foreign matter. (To be continued)

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