Bohol Tribune

Rule of Law

By:  Atty. Gregorio B. Austral, CPA

Authority of the DTI over internet transactions

Under the new Internet Transactions Act (RA No. 11967), the DTI shall exercise regulatory jurisdiction as to the use of internet for conducting e-commerce by e-marketplaces, online merchants, e-retailers, digital platforms, and third-party platforms.

Provided, however, That the regulatory authority of the DTI shall be ancillary to any duly constituted regulatory jurisdiction granted to an agency by existing laws such as, but not limited to, the DICT, BSP, and NPC: Provided, further, That reasonable notice to, and coordination with the appropriate regulatory agency shall be made by the DTI prior to the enforcement of the provisions of this Act. Unless expressly specified, nothing in this Act shall be construed as to diminish or deprive the regulatory jurisdiction conferred by law upon other government agencies concerning the services that they regulate, notwithstanding an e-commerce aspect or feature in such services. HEITAD

In the exercise of its powers under this Act, the DTI Secretary shall have the power to issue summons, subpoena ad testificandum, and subpoena duces tecum to alleged violators or witnesses to compel attendance and the production of documents in investigations or proceedings before the Bureau. Failure to comply with the subpoena ad testificandum and subpoena duces tecum shall authorize the filing of a case for contempt under the Rules of Court.

A subpoena duces tecum is valid if issued on matters within the jurisdiction of the DTI, is reasonably relevant to the subject matter under investigation, and designates or describes the information or document sought to be produced, allowing it to be identified.

The DTI Secretary shall have the power to issue a compliance order to require conformity with this Act, Republic Act No. 7394 or the “Consumer Act of the Philippines,” or any other applicable trade and consumer protection issuances promulgated by the DTI.

The DTI Secretary, after investigation or verification, may issue an ex parte takedown order directing the removal of a listing or offer on a webpage, website, platform or application, regardless of the intended nature of the transaction, when any of the following is present: 

(a) Sale or lease of goods or services which are prohibited or regulated under existing laws such as endangered animals, illicit drugs, fireworks and other explosives, and counterfeit goods: Provided, That the prohibited nature of the goods and services is apparent from the photo or description in the post;

(b) Sale or lease of goods or services subject of a cease and desist order issued by an appropriate government agency;

(c) Sale or lease of goods or services online previously subject of a takedown order but which are subsequently reposted and proliferated online by the seller under investigation; and

(d) Such other transactions or activities online, within the jurisdiction of the DTI, purporting to sell or lease goods or services that otherwise threaten public or personal safety, compromises financial or personal information.

Other regulatory government agencies may request the DTI to issue a takedown order for the removal of an online listing or offer in violation of laws, rules or regulations under their jurisdiction. Nothing herein shall preclude the appropriate agency from exercising its regulatory authority, including the issuance of orders directly to the erring person or entity, to prevent or stop the sale of goods or services under its jurisdiction. aDSIHc

The violating entity shall be given an opportunity to be heard within forty-eight (48) hours from the issuance of a takedown order.

The takedown order shall be directed against the e-retailer or online merchant, and the owner or operator of the e-marketplace or digital platform. Copies of the order shall likewise be served on entities whose cooperation would be required for its enforcement such as, but not limited to, the duly registered internet service provider involved, related payment gateways, and other government agencies.

The order shall remain in effect for a maximum period of thirty (30) days unless otherwise extended or made permanent by a judicial order or decision. ||| (Internet Transactions Act of 2023, Republic Act No. 11967, [December 5, 2023])

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