Sheryl Balbido-Paga reigns as Grand Alumni 2024 Queen of Fatima National High School (FNHS). She belongs to FNHS class
1998-1999 and graduated class Salutatorian. She used to hold the position of assistant editor-in-chief of “The Forerunner”, the school publication aside from her having been a “Staff 5” in the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC).

Her Majesty, Queen Sheryl I

The Fatima National High School Faculty and Staff headed by the School Principal Dr. Carolina O. Calamba together with the reigning queen. Chosen alumni king is His Majesty Domingo I (Domingo Sinon). The theme of the celebration of the
2nd Grand Alumni Homecoming was “Coming home to FNHS: A Celebration of Milestones, A Tribute to the Past”.

Domingo Sinon (extreme right) grabbed the title, FNHS Alumni King. Presently, Mr. Sinon is very active as a Catholic Faith Defender.