Bohol Tribune

Medical Insider – Dr. Ria P. Maslog


Human immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

HIV is an infection that attacks the body’s immune system and AIDS is the most advanced stage of the disease. 

According to Dr Joanne de Castro, a pediatric infectious specialist , HIV is transmitted by the following ways:
1. Vaginal Sex – the most common way of transmission
2. Anal sex – there is a high risk of transmission because of tearing of the anal lining
3. Blood transfusion of contaminated blood
4. Injecting drugs by sharing contaminated or non sterilized needles
5. Oral sex
6. Mother to child transmission

It is worthwhile to know that one cannot get HIV infection through casual contact. HIV can’t be spread by: sharing a drinking fountain, mosquito bite, shaking hands, donating blood, kissing, swimming in a pool, hugging and using a public restroom

During the PIDSP convention last February 21-22, 2024, the speaker emphasized in her lecture at Crowne Plaza Hotel, Ortigas that for mother’s on antiretroviral therapy ( ART) with a sustained undetectable HIV load during pregnancy, the risk of transmission through breastfeeding is less than 1% but not Zero!.

Perinatal transmission of HIV, that is from the mother to the baby , involves three mechanism and these are:
1. Intrauterine (Antepartum); 2. Peripartum intrapartum); and 3. Postpartum ( breastfeeding)

And the risk factors influencing the rate of vertical transmission are the following: 1. Maternal viral load at delivery; 2. Preterm delivery < 34 weeks; 3. Low maternal CD4 count

The following measures are suggested so that an infected pregnant woman can prevent transmission to her baby: early detection, take antiretroviral therapy throughout pregnancy and childbirth, good prenatal care, give ARV prophylaxis to the baby, can give replacement feeding as pasteurized donor human milk,

What are the common signs and symptoms of HIV ? Most people with HIV do not know that they are infected meaning they are asymptomatic. But to those who have symptoms they manifest as: fever, rash, joint pain, enlarged lymphadenopathy, weight loss/ anorexia, intense fatigue, persistent diarrhea, oral ulcers, night sweats and pneumonia.

It was also emphasized by the specialist that the risk of acquiring HIV varies: 26% higher among gay men and other males who have sex with males (MSM). The receptive partner (bottom) is 13 x more likely to get infected than that of the insertive partner (top); 29x higher among people who inject drugs; 30x higher for sex workers; 13x higher for transgender people and  18x higher from receptive anal sex vs receptive vaginal sex.

Furthermore, it was also explained that tuberculosis is the leading cause of death among people living with HIV. So, it is mandatory to intensify TB case findings, to initiate TB preventive therapy and early antiretroviral therapy (ART) and to ensure control of TB infections in health care facilities and congregate settings.

To avoid HIV then the following are mandatory where people must: Abstain, be mutually faithful, use condom correctly and consistently, not use illicit drugs, and submit to education sessions and early detection.

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