Bohol Tribune



Ni: Jes B. Tirol

Daghangkahoy 25, 2024

Mga Hubadpulong Sa Mga Ininglis Nga

Number ug Stop


Niadtong niági nga pitlaw ang mga pulong Ininglis nga River (sapâ) ug Scale maoy atong

gitukib. Ang Ininglis nga scale daghan kaayo og nagkalainlain nga ipasabot busà ang atong

Binisayâ aduna usab in daghan nga mga pulong nga tumbas.

Karon, ang atong tukibon mao ang mga pulong Ininglis nga number ug stop. Kining maong

mga pulong Ininglis adunay daghan nga nagkalainlain nga kahulogan.

Number (Kaiphan)

1. number (absolute number) – bugták nga kaíphan

2. number (complex number) – sikót nga kaíphan

3. number (composite number) – sutalipós nga kaíphan

4. number (compound number) – sákot nga kaíphan

5. number (decimal number) – yabaánon nga kaíphan

6. number (even number) – taháid nga kaíphan

7. number (fractional number) – sipák nga kaíphan

8. number (imaginary number) – dagáw nga kaíphan

9. number (irrational number) – sawád

10. number (mixed number) – ságol nga kaíphan

11. number (negative number) – dihág nga kaíphan

12. number (numeral) – kaiphan, numeró (Sp.)

13. number (odd number; not exactly divisible by 2)- bungkig nga kaíphan

14. number (positive number) – dayág nga kaíphan

15. number (prime number) – tigma

16. number (quantity) – kadadhanón, gidaghanón

17. number (rational number) – taróng nga kaíphan

18. number (signed number) – dum-ol nga kaíphan

19. number (whole number) – tibuok nga kaíphan

20. numberless (cannot be counted) – mangilí, dílì maiháp, dili maisip

21. number of times (some amount of) – kapíd-an. Syn. kapilá

22. number system (a notational system of values of a numbers) – saúbay sa kaíphan

23. numerable (can be numbered) – maiháp. Syn. maísip

24. numeral (number symbol) – tail sa kaiphan

25. numeration (the process of naming a number) – pag-iháp

26. numerator (math; upper number of a fraction) – ihapánan. Ant. dagnayán

27. numerator (one who counts or tally) – tig-iháp

28. numeric (relating to or expressed as a number) – kaíphan

29. numerical (expressed as number) – kaiphánon

30. numerous (many; plenty) – dághan. Syn. gúyham, uláyap

Stop (Hunong; Undang)

1. stop (cease bearing fruit) – túbas. Syn. sándaw

2. stop (command for a carabao to stop) – wát

3. stop (command for a horse to stop) – ho

4. stop (command for a vehicle to stop) –pára (Sp). Syn. húnong

5. stop (contrite; cease doing again) – tagám

6. stop (due to interruption) – úndà. Syn. púot

7. stop (end)-undang, súmpò. Syn. tápos, nungá, tampúwa, taraltáral

8. stop (for inspection) – sitá. Syn. suná

9. stop (for the wind to stop blowing) – lundók

10. stop (in order to attend to the need of other person or animal) – línghag

11. stop (interrupt the work in order to rest) – láwan. Syn hamúdlay, líhot, pahúlay, talúnor

12. stop (menopause; stop menstruation) – púlay

13. stop (not move; halt) – húnong, pára (Sp.), puyô, dakúyong. Syn. hútos, sagúngot

14. stop (prevent from doing) – baráw, banaót, pákgang, sántà

15. stop (stay in a place) – puyô. Syn. húnong

16. stop (stop anywhere, when very tired) – súngloy

17. stop (stop bleeding) – táng-on. Syn. tígpok, támpoy

18. stop (stop flowing) – kutát

19. stop (stop raining) – tuáng, tuwák

20. stop (stop the engine, fire, etc.) – patáy

21. stop (stop traveling due to fear) – mukùmúkò, salángsang

22. stop (the idle talk then work) – tim-an

23. stop (to rest along the road) – hát-ang, húnong. Syn. sáhing, sángpay

24. stop (to rest the field or animal) – tangón

25. stop (unintentionally, as caused by accident) – gúgtas

26. stop by (in order to fetch) – hapít. Syn. labáy

27. stop by (make an unplanned visit) – biyátas

28. stopcock (faucet) – ágwas, balíkhaw, gripo (Sp.)

29. stopgap (temporary recourse) – sandil-sándil. Syn. maumáo

30. stoplight (red of traffic light and rear of vehiccles) – sugâ pahúnong

31. stopover (sidetrip) – hapít, iskála (Sp.). Syn. dalíkyat

32. stopover (stay for a while) – dalíkyat

33. stoppage (act of stopping) – húnong, pahúnong, úndang, paúndang

34. stoppage (as gun) – gúngot

35. stopper (a plug) – súngsong, tál-op, pansák, sámpong

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