Bohol Tribune

Town News-DANAO

From the town of Danao: On March 5, 2024, LGU Danao congratulated its women residents by quoting a statement from Ruth Bader Gainsburg saying:“As women achieve power, the barriers will fall. As society sees what women can do, as women see what women can do, there will be more women out there doing things, and we’ll all be better off for it.” The women of Danao, Bohol held a very successful Opening of the Women’s Month Celebration 2024 with the theme “LipunangPatassaBagongPilipinas, KakayahanngKababaihanPatutunayan”. Special words of thanks were articulated to the Cameras behind the success of the Free Services to the public (Dental and Medical Mission, Physical Therapy, Massage Therapy, Manicure/Pedicure, Haircut and mass feeding): the Provincial Government of Bohol headed by Gov. ArisAumentado, the Office of the 2nd District of Bohol headed by Cong. VanVanAumentado, the Local Chief Executive – Mayor Jose G. Cepedoza (in photo); the Vice Mayor Albert B. Vitor; and all Sangguniang Bayan (SB) members; the SB Committee on Women CHAIR – Hon. Maria Celeste C. Lerion; the SB Committee on Health Chair – Hon. Thelma T. Duavis; the Women Organization of Danao, Bohol headed by their President Carmencita V. Busalanan; the Bible Baptist Feeding Ministry led by Pastor NazerrAyenza; the Gender and Development (GAD) Unit of Danao, Bohol headed by GAD Focal Person Imelda H. Gimena; the Office of the Municipal Social Welfare and Development headed by Officer Chita Mae L. Torrejas; the Philippine National Police of Danao, Bohol; the Rural Health Unit of Danao, Bohol headed by Dr. Jaime Gregorio Salarda; and all LGU Employees. Contributed photo

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