By: Telly Gonzaga-Ocampo
Suroy-suroy as a diversion
This week, from Monday to Friday, issues were heavy at dyTR’s Kwentas Claras and Open Forum radio programs: Captain’s Peak, Drugs, and Divorce Law. Dili ba bug-at ni nga mga issues?.
On the Captain’s Peak Issue: When I was young, I could recall our parents sending us always to an errand. One of these was to look for things they wanted us to find; and if we failed in our search, they would comment: “Mura man mo ug nangita ug tungaw.” Children of today might not know what the “tungaw” is. The “tungaw’ is a very tiny insect; it could hardly be seen. It is smaller than a dot. If you look for it, you would hardly see it. But you would know if it is hiding under your armpit or somewhere on your skin, because its bite causes a very itchy feeling. Kina katulan. Dili gyud kapugngan nga mangawot gyud ka sa atubangan sa kadaghanan.
What is the relationship between the structure called the Captain’s Peak and the insect I call the “tungaw”? Ang Captain’s Peak mako kaajo kung itandi nimo sa tungaw – di ba? The structure called the Captain’s Peak is very huge compared to the “tungaw”. Yes, it is so huge that it would be a lie to say that you would not notice it when you see it. Mahikatawa gyud ka ug makadungog ka ug naay moingon nga ‘DILI MAN GUD MAKITA ANG CAPTAIN’S PEAK KAY NAA MAN GUD SA TALIWA SA MGA BUNGTOD UG NAA PA GYUD SA SULOD SA AWA-AW NGA DAPIT.’ Saba intawn diha oi! Dili tungaw ang Captain’s Peak aron dili na makita.
And the construction of this building was not done overnight. It took several months or, maybe, almost a year to build it. Syaro na man usab sa gidugayon sa panahon, dili madungog ang pagdukdok sa martilyo ug pagmasa sa semento aron mahimo ning maong mga edifisyo. We are aware of building permits and government’s many requirements and processes, and processes and requirements, and requirements and processes (they seem endless) before one is given a business permit. Mura ba gyud ug tungaw ang mga papeles ug dokumento aron dili makit-an ang kalapasan.
In this case, it is then better to look for the tungaw kay makit-an pa. O di ba kaha, gituyo lang gyud ug irok ang tungaw, aron maka-angkon sa iyang hinalaling kamatayon. Is it only now that the real TUNGAW is being uncovered? Is it only now the real TUNGAW has become so large that it is now visible to the naked eye? TAMPALASANG TUNGAW! Is this the same tungaw that is lurking in several resorts such as the Sagbayan Peak, ug uban pa?
.On illegal dugs: There’s a buy bust operation almost everyday. When will this end? Gimingaw pud kong Digong ani, oi. He was the Philippine President who drastically reduced the number of illegal drugs victims. It was in his time when the drug lords hibernated to a safer place lest they would be caught. Is it safe to say that after the regime of Digong the drug syndicate is coming back with a vengeance?
On the divorce bill: Oh my God, whatever happened to our Christian values? The church must, should and have to play a serious role as regards the institution of marriage. Dili gud ko motoo anang ilang giingon nga tiyan agdon aron pagakaslon. The couple must know first the obligation of raising a family before signing the “I do” papers.
The issues this week are very heavy. Added to these is the proposed NEW SET of RATES for the Loboc River Cruise. Unsaon naman ni? Unya moingon mo ug dili na gud ta muadto ug wala tay ika-bayad sa floating restaurant. You want us to be a stranger in our own country?
So this summer time, it is better to be free from stress. Let us not bother looking for the tungaw; listening to buy bust operations; and thinking of divorce in marriage.
Magsuroy suroy ta as a diversion!