Bohol Tribune

From the Outside Looking In



We have one law too many .Problem is we don’t seem to lack them we just have to implement them.

The global uproar generated by the Chocolate Hills fiasco is  a typical example. We have many laws and guidelines imposing restrictions on environmental concerns but we interpret them according to how it suits our needs .

Though the essence  is always there in its core, we miserably fail in its implementation as we try to bend, twist  and interpret it in a way favorable to our interest.

Herein is where our problem lies. Because of our greed, oftentimes we run afoul with the law. And when others call us out,  we end up blaming just about everyone else but not ourselves.

Our politicians are good at this that they make despicable acts look innocent to portray themselves as heroes. Oppressors become victims and  whistleblowers end up as aggressors motivated by political vendetta.

Yet no matter how many times they wash their hands off things, the stains of wrongdoing  leave  indelible marks in their wake. With all the fingerpointing and  claims of  deniability to escape accountability,  we can expect the small guys to get the flak and the big players to get away with it.

Isn’t this what we are seeing now? When    ” quid pro quo” becomes a leverage to even things out?  The lesser guy becomes the fall guy and the big boys laugh their way to the bank.

The Chocolate Hills controversy would not have happened if only our leaders and authorities took to heart the importance of a “protected area declaration”. We are also  to blame as we never fully understood its intention until things blew up in our faces.

But greater responsibility and accountability lies upon those tasked to lead and guide us.  We look up to our leaders to take the cudgels for our people and set the direction for our lives to improve.

Yet this global embarassment happening  now is another lesson learned, added to our list of lessons we never learn from. And unless heads will roll we will always end up in circles, going round and round never finding our way around.

Good luck everyone!

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