Periodontal Diseases
The periodontium includes the gingiva, alveolar bone and periodontal ligament.
The common diseases of periodontium occur during childhood and adolescence and this includes the following: 1. Gingivitis, 2. Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis, 3. Herpetic gingivostomatitis, 4. Juvenile periodontitis and, 5. Acute pericoronitis
Let us take note of the following:
A. Gingivitis occurs when there is poor oral hygiene that will result to the accumulation of a dense bacterial mass (dental plaque) around the cervical areas of the teeth at the gum line. If the dental plaques are not removed this will cause inflammation around the gingiva.
B. Acute Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis is a distinct periodontal disease that manifests as: necrosis and ulceration of erythematous gingival; an appearance of an adherent grayish pseudomembrane over the affected gingival; fetor oris; cervical lymphadenopathy; malaise; and fever.
C. Juvenile Periodontitis – this is characterized by a rapid alveolar bone loss and is associated with a flora composed of Capnocytophaga, Actinobacillus, Haemophillus and Bacteroides species; this condition is rare in preschool children who have only primary teeth; in older children , it may be localized to the permanent incisors and 6 yr molars or may be generalized; the gingiva is usually normal in appearance but dental radiographs will show alveolar bone loss.
D. Acute pericoronitis – this is an acute inflammation of the flap of gingiva that partially covers the crown of an incompletely erupted tooth
The common management of these Periodontal diseases is giving importance to proper oral hygiene. Visit to the dentist can be started as early as the first tooth eruption. With each visit, the dentist can teach the parents on how to properly do tooth brushing and flossing. Dentists can also do flouride treatment on our children. Both the dentist and the pediatricians, can advice the mothers on what to do to avoid these diseases.