Bohol Tribune

Medical Insider – Dr. Ria P. Maslog



Pertussis is also known as the “whooping cough” is a highly contagious respiratory illness and is caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis.

Clinically, pertussis manifests these classic presentations:
– paroxysm of coughing
– inspiratory wheezes and
– posttussive vomiting

It also has different presentations according to age group. For the less than 4 months old, one may have a high index of suspicion if the infant will present with coughing illness with or without low grade fever and has nasal discharges that remain watery, apnea, seizure, cyanosis, vomiting, poor weight gain and the complete blood count shows a high wbc, there is the presence of pneumonia in the chest xray and the infant os exposed to a household contact with prolonged cough.

For ages  4 months and children, these are the following symptoms: paroxysmal nonproductive cough of more than 7 days duration with or without whoop or posttussive vomiting, apnea and cyanosis. subconjunctival hemorrhage, sleep disturbance, and sweating episodes between paroxysms

In adolescents and adults, the symptoms are less severe than infants and children because od previous infection or immunizations and prolonged cough may be the only manifestation. 

Others may also show:
– productive sputum
– coryza
– sweating episodes
– and sore throat

Since, Pertussis is a clinical diagnosis, early recognition is crucial for prompt treatment to prevent the spread of infection.

This is one disease that is vaccine preventable, that is why as a pediatrician , it is my responsibility to educate you dear parents and caregivers to please heed to our call. Please bring your children to the health centers for their vaccinations because vaccines work. 

Love your children! 

Protect them! 

Immunize them!

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