Bohol Tribune


Kiling 21, 2024

Mga Lugpong sa Bulan

(Moon Terms)

Ni: Jes B. Tirol


Ang Sinugboanon nga Binisayâ adunay daghan na kaayo nga mga lugpon kabahin sa bulan nga anaa sa kalangitan.

Atò kining tukibon pinaagi sa pagamit sa sugisáysay (description) ginamit ang Ininglistungod kay kasagaran sa mga pulong, walay tumbas sa Ininglis.

Mga Lugpong sa Bulan

1. aláag – Almost full moon. Before the full moon. (Kp: alág-ag; malapángi).

2. alág-ag – Almost full moon. (Kp: aláag; malapángì; daíl).

3. alilíng – Halo; burr. A ring-like formation around the moon. (Kp: bánsag).

4. alipíd – Shape of the moon just before full moon.

5. bág-ong búlan – New moon. Also, bág-ong subáng; subáng; latì.

6. bág-ong subáng – New moon. Also, bag-ong búlan; subáng; latì.

7. bakunáwa – Eclipse of the sun or moon

8. balánsag – The beautiful glow of the full moon

9. balingít -The day before the quarter moon.

10. bánag -When the moon is seven or eight nights already.

11. bánsag – 1. Splendor or radiance of the moon. (Kp: dán-ag). 3. Mock moon;

paraselene; a luminous spot appearing in a lunar halo. (Kp: aliling).

12. banulód – When the moon sets just when the sun begins to rise.

13. bitáy – Last three nights before the moon disappears; when the sun sets, the

moon is seen to be about to set also.

14. buladbúlad – To refer to the sun or moon to determine the best time to travel.

15. búlan – 1. Moon. 2. Month. Also, búwan.

16. bulanón – (b.p. búlan). Moonlight night

17. bululón – One rotation per revolution, as orbit of the moon.

18. bútlak – The appearance of the moon from being hidden. (Kp: subáng).

19. búwan -1. Moon. 2. Month. Also, búlan.

20. daíl – Full moon. Also, tákdol. (Kp: ugsód; dáyaw).

21. dáktol – Full moon. Also, tákdol; dail.

22. dalánon – Brightness of the full moon throughout the night. (Kp: dán-ag).

23. dánon -1. New moon that is brighter than usual. 2. Lunar month.

24. dáyaw – Full moon. (Kp: tákdol; dail; ugsód)

25. dilág – Brightness; clearness of the rising moon. (Kp: kahayag).

26. döm – Interlunar; moonless night. See: dulóm.

27. dulóm – Interlunar; moonless night. Also, döm.

28. gítlak – The rising of moon, or star as it begins to appear at the horizon.

29. hibanúlod – The setting of the moon just before the sun will rise.

30. hílig – The sun, moon, or stars already situated towards the west than the east;

to pass the transit point. (Kp: udlingay; iniyón).

31. himatayón – 1. The moon in the last quarter. 2. Waning moon. (Kp: bitáy).

32. himatyonón – The moon in its waning stage.

33. híngkod – Full moon stage of the phase of the moon. (Kp: tákdol).

34. inhít – The increasing of the size of the moon every night from new moon to the

quarter moon. (Kp: tíkang).

35. kátin – The last quarter phase of the moon. (Kp: himatayón).

36.kilikitíngdom – Dark night without the moon from sunset to sunrise. (Kp: dúlom;

dom). It connotes that the moon ought to be shining but obscured by clous

37. kínaw – Moonglade; reflection of the moonlight on the surface of the water.

38. latî – New moon. (Kp: bag-ong búlan; subáng).

39. laubláob sa búlan – Lunitidal; of or relating to the tides as produced by the moon.

40. lawangítan – Heavenly body, as planet, moon, star, comet, etc. (Kp: planéta;

búlan; bitúon; tála).

41. lidón – Halo; the circular ring seen around the moon, star, or sun. (Kp: aliling).

42. lígad – A euphemism that the sun, moon, and the like are acting on its course

whether you like it or not. “Lihok na, kay ang ligad sa adlaw dili mohulat kanimo. =

Act now because the motion of the sun and moon will not wait for you.”

43. limúrok -Moonface; a person’s face that is circular in shape and chubby. (Kp:


44. lúnsad – Full moon. Also, tákdol.

45. malapángì – Almost full moon in shape but after the full moon. (Kp: aláag; alág-

ag). Aláag and alág-ag are both before the full moon.

46. minkáag ang bulan – The clarity of the night sky before the appearance of the


47. napúlog duhá ka tákdol – Twelve full moons; lunar year. Also, dágon.

48. pagdánon – Lunation; the interval between two returns of the new moon,

averaging 29.5 days.

49. pasubangán – The moon in conjunction or seen very near to a planet.

50.sáid – 1. The rising of the sun, moon, or any astronomical body. (Kp: subáng).

2. The moon on its second day after the full moon. (Kp: udlíngay).

51. salíid – The setting down of sun, moon, and other heavenly bodies. Its emphasis

is the act of hiding from view. Also, sálop. In sálop, the emphasis is the end of

the course of motion.

52. sálop – To set, as setting of the sun or moon; sunset; moonset. Also, sawóp.

(Kp: salíid; túnod).

53. salópan (b.p. sálop). Be overcome by sundown or setting of the moon.

“Gisalópan na lang sa ádlaw, wala pa mahumán. = It was already sundown and

the work was not yet finished.”

54. sánaw – A night that is cloudless, clear and tranquil, even though without the

moon shining. (Kp: línaw).

55. sangód – Carbuncle; a mythical glowing precious stone that grows on the head

of a mythical large snake. When the snake lost it he mistook the moon for it and

swallowed the moon thus causing a lunar eclipse. (Kp: karbúngko; bakunawa).

56. sáwop – Setting down, as sunset, moonset, etc. Also, sálop.

57. siáng – Partially exposed or show up, as moon partially exposed. (Kp: sídli).

58. sídli – Shining of the moon, star, etc. after being hidden by the clouds. (Kp: siáng).

59. silángan(b.p. silang). To shine on; be illuminated by sunrise or moonrise.

60. sínag – Moonshine; moonbeam. (Kp: dán-ag; sílaw).

61. subáng – 1. Rise, as sunrise, moonrise. (Kp: sídlak). 2. New moon. Also, bag-

ong búlan; bag-ong subáng; lati.

62. sugábin – Moonlighting; to take another additional job. (Kp: sabín).

63. sulálong – The rising of the sun when the moon has not yet set, especially during

the fourth quarter moon.

64. sumalúna – An alternating cycle, as moonlight and moonless nights.

65. tákdol – Full moon. Also, tibuók ang búlan. (Kp: aláag; dáyaw; dail; ugsód).

66. talisȧlop – (b.p. sálop). About to set, as sun or moon, and the like.

67. tibuók búlan – 1. Whole month; entire month. 2. Full moon. Also takdól.

68. tíkang – The increasing of size of the moon until full moon. (Kp: nagtaób).

69. tínggad – The brightness reflected bymoonlight on still water, as in pond, etc.

70. tingkátin(b.p. kátin). Fortnight; two weeks. In the Bisayan practice it is the

measure from the first quarter moon (údtong kátin) to the last quarter moon (kátin).

71. udtong kátin – (b.p. údto). First quarter moon.

72.ugsód – The moon in its full radiance or brightness. (Kp: tákdol; daíl; dáyaw).

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